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Search results

  1. J

    Recurring urine infection - UPDATE - NOT GOOD - NEED ADVICE

    Hi there :wave: My dutch rabbit is 5 years old and in the past 3 months he has had 5 urine infections. each time i notice him squatting to do wees in places he wouldn't usually, like the rug, and he makes a squeeking noise sometimes so he's obviously in pain. Each time my vet is prescribing...
  2. J

    Rabbits with cats

    Hi there :wave: I really hope someone can help me... i have a rescue cat who has been severely mistreated and is extremely nervous. I have one rabbit who i've had for 3 years and he and the cat get on great. I've just got a new female rabbit. Luckily she and my other rabbit have bonded...
  3. J

    Lying together/snuggling buns

    Hi guys Do all bonded buns lie together and snuggle up? I bonded my two yesterday and they haven't fought/mounted each other/or chased each other. Neither are dominant and they are both neutered. The boy (Fumper) wants to be near Muffin, but she tends to run away. Do i just need to give...