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Search results

  1. sarahjayne

    I really dunno what to do for best:(

    I have 2 rabbits kept outside in hutch in garden, we have a tall fence round, but last few months we had foxes hanging round out street and last night where in next doors garden next to our joining fence howling, They were there a few times during the night. This morning next door noticed they...
  2. sarahjayne

    Get teeth removed or not ??

    I took my poor Sooty to vets 6 weeks ago as one of his bottom teeth had grown so much it was nearly touching his nose:( reduced his pellets since then i even seen him eating hay more..but yesterday had to take him back tooth was coming back up:( vet burdered them yesterday, but said as it was...
  3. sarahjayne

    taking sooty to vets tomorrow his paw been bleeding:(

    as i normally do i let both Ginger and Sooty out for they free run of garden, Sooty is shreding loads of hair so been brushing him every other day cos Ginger grooms him like hes her son:love: Sooty was on my knee as he sits and loves been brushed once finished i went to put him back on grass...
  4. sarahjayne

    I just saw this how the hell can someone say this is big enough for 4 rabbits grr

    just saw this big enough for 4 rabbits.. i sooooooooooooo dont think so!!
  5. sarahjayne

    ideas needed lol

    well today i went and bought a new cage primrose cottage..this is Sooty and Gingers 1st cage together.. i had a 2 storey one before but blocked ramp off till they were neutered..i decided cos they both had they own level and they scent be all over the level..i get a new fresh cage where none of...
  6. sarahjayne


    I have 2 rabbits ginger and sooty both outdoor bunnies..prob is sooty is molting like no tomorrow..i am off too buy him a brush today to try and get rid of all the old hair so he don't eat is:D..was wondering why hes doing it a lot ? ginger never does but she is a diffrent type of bunny.. i was...
  7. sarahjayne

    Primrose Cottage ?

    I have been trying to get my partner buy this cage for months and the other day i saw it had £50 quid off so now £100..and he was we got the hoilday coming up blah blah blah.. well yesterday he got a letter from police hes been caught speedy.. i said hey you just costed us £60 quid so only fair...
  8. sarahjayne

    this a good sign ?

    i have been bonding my female and male rabbit after neutering over the last week.. and pleased too say the humping has calmed right down:D i have noticed that ginger my female rabbit..sits and licks sooty's ears, face and neck a lot.. is that a good sign she loves him ??
  9. sarahjayne

    1 or 2 litters trays ?

    I have 2 rabbits ginger (female) sooty(male) they both been neautered in last 2 months and we are bonding them to put them in together, they both litter trained but as in seprate cages having they own tray.. thing is when they do go in together which prob not be for a lil while as sooty is...
  10. sarahjayne

    Showing my bunny's off for the 1st time:) picture heavy

    I got my 1st bunny last october from pets@ home she is called Ginger and yup shes ginger lol and boy she got the temper to go with it lol She loves been chased round the garden..does blinky's the whole way round..then gets tired and jumps back in her cage flops and looks at us and say ha ha...
  11. sarahjayne

    Fur changing colour ?

    Sooty was born on xmas eve so hes just over 6 months old...he is black..white dot on the top of his head and white paws..over the last months he seems to be getting the odd white hair on his body, but today during our daily cuddle i noticed the fur round his mouth and nose seems a tint of...
  12. sarahjayne

    Any ideas on getting my bunny to eat more hay ?

    about 3 weeks ago i had a problem with sooty, he looked like he was crying..turned out it was his teeth, vet give us eye drops for his eyes to help them clean up..he gets out as much as we can but due to the rain we had a lot its hard etc..he seems too decided he is not fussed on hay no more :(...
  13. sarahjayne

    pet hotel ?

    We are going on holiday for a week in sept and i am unsure what to do with ginger and sooty..oh mate has rabbits and said he feed them etc but i don't think he be able to let them out for they daily run as they normally get at least 3 hours running around garden..buts its not totally rabbit...
  14. sarahjayne

    Getting Male neutered

    I got my female rabbit Neutered over a week ago she been for a check today and for her injection..i took my male rabbit too for his injection..i have booked him in for his snip lol next tuesday I let them both run round garden together most of afternoon they not fighting.. but my male rabbit is...
  15. sarahjayne

    hair shreading

    i put my rabbits outside last week... they been in over winter as they were young and never been outside etc.. they seem great outside well part from ginger been in a grump a lil lol but i went to get sootie out earlier and he seems too be shreading some hair..its not leaving bald...
  16. sarahjayne

    should i be worried ?

    i have a female rabbit (ginger) i have had her 6 months.. she is off for her nails cut tomorrow..but i noticed over the last week her front paws are lacking a lot of fur and look bare.. could this be due to her needing her nails done ? or something else? she been doing a few strange things too...
  17. sarahjayne

    neautering in newcastle area ?

    i need some advice!.. not sure if this is best part to ask for this ? i have 2 bunnies one female approx 7 months old and a boy which was born on xmas day so is nearly 3 months old..they are kept in seprate cages inside..problem i have is well i am having to kept them well seprate as they both...
  18. sarahjayne

    pull hair out?

    i have 2 bunnies.. kept in seprate cages at min trying too bond them.. they are fine when out and about no fighting, no thumping back legs or nothing.. only thing i am worried about it this one of bunnies is 9 weeks old and it humps my other ones face.. not sure why ? also while its trying too...
  19. sarahjayne

    should i be worried ?

    hiya.. i had ginger my rabbit for about 3 months shes kept inside and is aloned too come and go out her cage when we are in..i felt she was lonely during the day and a mates rabbit had bunnys on xmas eve.. so i been too choose one tonight my new bunny is 7 weeks old.. i am keeping them in...