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  1. sarahjayne

    I really dunno what to do for best:(

    Ginger and sooty are in a two story hutch, which is covered every night and they have a bit up the top to hide where its a solid door..they spend much of they time upstairs..downstairs is where they food and litter tray is..Grace is never left alone she even goes up same time as we do..but after...
  2. sarahjayne

    I really dunno what to do for best:(

    I got no space inside house , they were inside but went out as they kept waking son up they noise lil tinkers..I got no garage aswell..my neighbour was quite rude this morning, she might aswell said you better sort it cos i am not having my garden dug up from dam foxes trying to get into your...
  3. sarahjayne

    I really dunno what to do for best:(

    I have 2 rabbits kept outside in hutch in garden, we have a tall fence round, but last few months we had foxes hanging round out street and last night where in next doors garden next to our joining fence howling, They were there a few times during the night. This morning next door noticed they...
  4. sarahjayne

    Get teeth removed or not ??

    I took my poor Sooty to vets 6 weeks ago as one of his bottom teeth had grown so much it was nearly touching his nose:( reduced his pellets since then i even seen him eating hay more..but yesterday had to take him back tooth was coming back up:( vet burdered them yesterday, but said as it was...
  5. sarahjayne

    taking sooty to vets tomorrow his paw been bleeding:(

    as i normally do i let both Ginger and Sooty out for they free run of garden, Sooty is shreding loads of hair so been brushing him every other day cos Ginger grooms him like hes her son:love: Sooty was on my knee as he sits and loves been brushed once finished i went to put him back on grass...
  6. sarahjayne

    I just saw this how the hell can someone say this is big enough for 4 rabbits grr

    I found it when it was near to finishing its only 3 miles from me :evil: no one bid on it:D it looks like it is hand made badly i mean the gaps in the wire they used a lil rabbit could easy get they head stuck in:(
  7. sarahjayne

    I just saw this how the hell can someone say this is big enough for 4 rabbits grr

    just saw this big enough for 4 rabbits.. i sooooooooooooo dont think so!!
  8. sarahjayne

    Primrose Cottage ?

    I live in Hebburn.. i went to washington pets@home 1st they had none so went to metrocentre..i work in whitley bay hopefully for not much long if everything goes to plan:D
  9. sarahjayne


    i once found one in Gingers cage suprised i never woke the neigbours up i scream for my partner to sort it out i hate them:lol: it was in her food bowl ewww!! i now check both of them morning and night..i got some cheap salt in asda and now pour the salt round the hutch and fingers crossed they...
  10. sarahjayne

    Primrose Cottage ?

    I bought it yesterday...mind i went to one pets@home and they had none..so went 6 miles away to metrocentre and got they last one:D they took a trip to walter walls for lino..got stranges look with getting such a small amount.. i told him it was for rabbit hutch i got one strange look :lol...
  11. sarahjayne

    my bunny is pulling fur out!

    my female never been pregnant so not sure to be honest..i have a male and female but had to be seprate has he was going to hump her all the time.. i would prob leave her to it tonight..see in the morning how she is..and if worried maybe take her to the vets..they be able to tell ya if she is...
  12. sarahjayne

    my bunny is pulling fur out!

    so you have a male and female ?? but never been together ?? her jumping at your hand sounds like she feel threated by it like shes protecting herself..or her fur as shes making a nest
  13. sarahjayne

    ideas needed lol

    lil update.. i just been out and :shock: Sooty was downstairs he saw me and went back upstairs.. GInger then looked at him to she where the hell you come from:lol: had a nosey at the ramp and thought nah i leave it for now:roll: think i leave them alone now.. see how they are in the morning and...
  14. sarahjayne

    Willow sticks-my buns dont like them...

    oh my bunnies love theses always fight over them:lol: suspose its like use you either love or hate them:D
  15. sarahjayne

    ideas needed lol

    well today i went and bought a new cage primrose cottage..this is Sooty and Gingers 1st cage together.. i had a 2 storey one before but blocked ramp off till they were neutered..i decided cos they both had they own level and they scent be all over the level..i get a new fresh cage where none of...
  16. sarahjayne


    oh quite a bit..least its off now:D i got a brush and done both of mine :D and got my new hutch and its all going well and loads of grooming so good job i brushed them both:love:
  17. sarahjayne

    How old has smokey got to be untill you can tell if he/she is a male or female?

    I got Sooty from a friend of a friend as he was unwanted:( she had about 6 babies they were 8 weeks old and i was able to tell the sex babe.. Here is a link that might help you babe http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/showthread.php?p=2614165#post2614165 I found it quite easy but you will need...
  18. sarahjayne


    Glad its not just me Simon:D Well i am off too get ready and buy the brush and they new hutch:D when i get home i give Sooty a good brush lucky for me he loves been cuddld and stroked then i see how he is in a few days..Ginger might be a nightmare to brush as she hates been touched but will try:D
  19. sarahjayne


    I have 2 rabbits ginger and sooty both outdoor bunnies..prob is sooty is molting like no tomorrow..i am off too buy him a brush today to try and get rid of all the old hair so he don't eat is:D..was wondering why hes doing it a lot ? ginger never does but she is a diffrent type of bunny.. i was...
  20. sarahjayne

    Do ANY buns like being picked up?

    i have 2 rabbits and they are both so diffrent.. Ginger is a right moody cow:lol:..hates been picked up, stamps her feet everything. sooty is totally diffrent...he loves cuddles will lick my face, if i am not stroking him he nudges me :lol:..sits on my lap for hours. when we go to vets he...