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Search results

  1. Petitepuppet

    Scent Glands

    I feel very stupid but I didnt know my rabbit had scent glands untill last week. Anyway they were pretty yucky and smelly so I gave them a good clean out. I have just had a wee look at them again the now and they are yucky again but no where as bad as they were before. What I am wondering is...
  2. Petitepuppet

    broccoli stalk

    Is it ok to feed broccoli stock?
  3. Petitepuppet

    How dose this diet sound?

    How dose this diet sound for a netherland dwarf about 1yr 6 months? At the moment she get about an egg cup full of excel juinor, dwarf rabbit pellets a day. Fresh curly kale every couple of days. I plan to slowly introduce parsley and broccoli so she can have this along with her kale. She...
  4. Petitepuppet


    Could someone please send me a link to any bonding articals? Thanks x
  5. Petitepuppet

    Bonding Bunnies

    Can somebody let me know if a castrated boy can be bonded with a unspayed girl?
  6. Petitepuppet

    How much veg?

    How much veg should a dwarf sized rabbit be eating a day?
  7. Petitepuppet

    House Bunnies

    Not too sure I have posted this in the right place. I have a question for those who have house bunnies. How offen do your rabbits get to go outside?
  8. Petitepuppet

    Big Enough Hutch?

    Would this hutch and run be big enough for 2 dwarf rabbits? http://www.happyhutch.co.uk/details.php?product=159
  9. Petitepuppet

    Agressive Girl?

    I have a 2yr old netherland dwarf who I cannot touch because she just runs away or growls and stamps her feet at me. I have had her since she was 9 wk old and I have really tried to be her friend but she just wont have it. What do I do?