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Search results

  1. M

    Worried bunny mummy

    Sadly "Midnight" our male giant lop rabbit died last week to mixi. We did everything in our power to protect him. He had his regular jabs, but sadly he got a very bad strain of the virus & although we spent over £300 in the vets to help him recover he died. We really thought he was pulling...
  2. M

    Can cats kill rabbits?

    Hi, I think from reading this thread is that certain cats can be a threat to our bunnies, but as long as the hutches & runs are secure you should be safe. We have a huge run for our rabbits that my husband built specially & that attaches to the hutch, so they have a huge area to roam free daily...
  3. M


    Mixi Thankyou so much for comments. We brought Midnight's brother in last night for a visit & he was cleary upset & tried to bite my husband (which neither rabbit has ever done before)He was desperate to get to the cage, My husband was holding him near to the cage at the time. We are both...
  4. M


    Hi I'm new to this sort of thing so I hope I have the right thread area. My Black Lop rabbit Midnight showed serious signs of mixi tue 21st oct. We always clean both our boy rabbits out on a friday & both looked well & acted as per normal. The weekend we gave them eve feeds, as we were out...