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Search results

  1. carly s

    C & S test for abscess

  2. carly s

    rabbiting on - page 8 - my photo!

    Very excited to see my photo on page 8! Sadly the white bun (dave) in the photo is no longer with us but his partner daphne is doing well without him thankfully. Rip davey, you'll never ever be forgotton xx
  3. carly s

    what do you think? vet pet club schemes

    Hi. My vets have a healthy pet club scheme where they split the cost of vaccinations over the year so you don't have to pay for a vaccination when you visit. This is good for me as I have 5 rabbits and tend to take 3,4 or even 5of them down at a time when vaccinations are due. So effectively...
  4. carly s

    Photoshoot last weekend!

    Audrie Rabbit :wave:
  5. carly s

    I lost David Rabbit - any ideas what was wrong?

    I'm devastated...our beloved David Rabbit passed away on Sunday morning. It was very sudden, he was absolutely fine Saturday night and being a little monkey as usual. My hubby found him on Sunday morning huddled up on top of a box that he doesn't normally sleep on and realised straight away...
  6. carly s

    next northamptonshire hopper group meet up

    For those interested in the northamptonshire area our 3rd meet up will take place on saturday 15th jan in the morning at my house in wellingborough for coffee (+cakes!). Best to pm me if interested. Thanx
  7. carly s

    Next Northants Hopper Group Meeting-this Sat 10.30am-Bewitched Coffee Shop

    Saturday 30th October 10.30am. Coffee and a cake in Wellingborough somewhere (tba!) along with lots of rabbit chat!! All locals welcome! :D
  8. carly s

    Could I have done anymore?? Found injured baby wildie

    My hubby brought home an injured baby wildie last night :( I hope I did the right things, but unfortunately it did die. I wrapped it in a towel and put it in a carrier in a quiet room away from my own bunnies. I didn't ring the vets/RSPCA/RWA as to be honest it was 9pm at night and I kind of...
  9. carly s

    Your thoughts please? Bun shivering/uncomfortable

    One of my six rabbits is unwell :(. She seemed fine when I got home from work last night and went bounding out in the garden. I watched while she was out there and there didn't appear to be any problems, however when she came back in she laid down on her side and seemed very tired and...
  10. carly s

    Harriet plays peekaboo!

  11. carly s

    Hello from Wellingborough, Northants!

    My first time uploading photos so hope it's worked! To introduce me and my three pairs of rabbits (first photo Humphrey & Harriet, second Dave & Daphne and third Arthur & Audrie). I have been using the forum for a while but never seem to get round to posting photos. Carly
  12. carly s

    Leylandi trees

    My 6 rabbits are trying to devour the bottom of our Leylandi trees - does anyone know if this is ok for them to eat? Any advice would be appreciated.