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  1. S


    hi i have a litter of kits 5 days old one is considerably smaller than the others and seems to be getting pushed out the nest.should i be hand rearing at present im rubbin my hand in mums poo and putting him back with the others.any advice welcome x
  2. S

    please help urgent

    got six one week old kits ones extremly lethargic and weak looking, is there ANYTHING i can do for him/her?
  3. S

    floppy neutered tomorrow

    Hi all, floppy is off to the vets tomorrow to be neutered does anyone have any tips on his aftercare? also where can i get this probiotic stuff for my kits water when theyre a bit bigger? thanks in advance sidsmum
  4. S

    What Breed Are My Bunnies (see Pics.)PLEASE HELP?

    Trying To Up Load Pics Of My Rabbits ,would Anyone Be So Kind To Give Me Their Opinion If I Manage It Thanks Sidsmum X
  5. S

    moving home

    hi all following sids suprise litter i realise that her hutch isnt going to be big enough for long. I have been gifted a huge hutch from freecycle at what age should i move mum n babies across to new hutch?was then going to leave them in there until mum was ready to be away and then put her back...
  6. S

    unexpected litter questions!lotsa pics of kits update

    Hi found today that sid is a girl when i came across a litter of babys in the corner of the hutch!!!was told he was a boy and so took in another boy found in a neighbours garden! hence the litter. i have lots of questions ive read old threads but would love some advice! sid and babys in the...
  7. S


    hi i have just got sid an8 week male who is an outside rabbit through readin these forums i have learnt that he should ideally have a friend whats the best way to go about this? thanks katex
  8. S

    advice for a newbie

    hi , i got sid on saturday 8 weeks old and beautiful.at the min he has free run of half the garden and a small hutch and ramp and hes been out all day and hutched at night.now hes finding his feet hes hiding under the play house and exploring various other hidey holes which i have since blocked...