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  1. C

    "if it aint food, i aint bothered"

    Me too :D
  2. C

    "if it aint food, i aint bothered"

    I'll try that one then. Thanks :wave:
  3. C

    "if it aint food, i aint bothered"

    Oh I bought the carrots ball and Hugo did throw it around for a bit but now he is just not touching it anymore :roll: Too much hard work :D
  4. C

    "if it aint food, i aint bothered"

    Hi :wave: Sorry I do not have an advice, as my Hugo is exactly the same. If he can't eat it he is not interested. We also worry he might get bored but maybe rabbits can also be of the type where they are really chilled. Intelectual, pondering the meaning of the world or simply just not...
  5. C

    Picking up bunnies

    My bunny did not like to be picked up but now he understands that if he does this we'll be very happy. :lol: I did (and still do) make sure I hold him properly, not hurt him but don't allow him to feel unsafe. We have this convention that if he really does not want me to pick him up at the...
  6. C

    Bunny grunts?!

    They sound very much like my Hugo. He is snatching treats away from me and grounts (we think he means "just give it here woman!"). But then he also grounts when he eats hay (he always has it available) and he has a very content face and posture. (Eyes half closed, paws on the bowl and relaxed...
  7. C


    I thought I recognized the breed!!! :shock: :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  8. C

    litter training for a novice

    I don't know about others but we only use woodshavings in the tray and nice hay for him to eat. I wonder if there is a difference between bedding hay and eating hay :roll: Or just that one smells nicer than the other ... Maybe she is confused with hay and bedding. Have no idea :roll:
  9. C

    A few of my piggies

    They are so cute! Erin looks like trouble :lol:
  10. C

    Please help

    Good luck, I'll be thinking of you. Let us know. I hope it will turn out ok :wave:
  11. C

    Please help

    Oh I am sorry you feel that way. :cry: If you don't think it is safe just wait for "missing rabbit" announcements or something and if nothing comes up find the bunny a good home (if you can). I think it is great you took the bunny in for now and give him a chance. :wave: I hope you'll find a...
  12. C

    Please help

    Yeah, I am no expert but I would say take the bunny to the vet (might be chipped) and then keep an eye for "missing rabbit" announcements.:) Honestly I would go and have a word with who do you think that own the rabbit. Might give you an opportunity to see how things are there anyway. And...
  13. C

    litter training for a novice

    Hi :wave: I would say to pu tthe hay in the litter tray. She should love munching on it so will spend some time in the tray. When she grows older she should learn to wee only in the tray. It took Hugo about 1.5 years until he got the hay in a different location than his tray and he can cope...
  14. C

    My Buns

    Hello :wave: They are so cute !!! :love: Thanks for posting the pics :)
  15. C

    somethings wrong with Lilli

    Any updates on Lili? Good luck and I hope it's nothing serious :cry:
  16. C

    Eating newspaper?

    You wanna be careful she doesn't get all depressed with the news lately. :shock: Get her the Pets Section in Yellow Pages :lol:
  17. C

    Eating newspaper?

    I am sure she will love it. :D Hugo is very cute and we spoil him so much that now he knows he only has to appear where we are and he gets all the attention he wants and even more. So we don't get as much attention and signs of devotion like other bunnies in this forum. :D But we can't help it :)
  18. C

    Eating newspaper?

    Well the best toy for my Hugo is the newspaper or yellow pages. :D He loves to shred it and eat it. Our vet said that as long as he does not it the entire newspaper he is fine. I think he eats about the size of a palm maybe twice a week. How much does your bunny eat? :)
  19. C

    What times to feed?

    we always make sure hugo has pellets and hay available. we only give him "treats" at certain times in the day (morning coffee and when we have our dinner). but he has seems to have carrots an dcelery availabel most of times. and he seems to know when and what to have. the vet says he is a...
  20. C

    My bunnies have got...

    It's a cushion?