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  1. C

    Does my bunny think i'm his g/friend???

    hahahaha he drives me mad but i love him to bits :) at this very minute he running around me licking my feets and thumping his legs lol he's mental...really wish i had got him done when he was young but i just feel it's not worth putting him through the stress as he's now 7 and don't want...
  2. C

    Does my bunny think i'm his g/friend???

    Well my senior boy Charlie is having what could possibly be a mid life crisis :lol: He's not been well over the past 9 month and has had 2 jaw abcesses both of which were lanced off. First one appeared Oct 2007, then he had his teeth filed in Feb 2008 and then in April 08 had an abcess lanced...
  3. C

    Help - Abcess Related

    thanks for your reply lily - i've just never had the abcess actually rupture before, it had healed fully aswell... think i have got some baytril actually in a draw so will give him some until he goes to the vets tomorrow. My poor baby :(
  4. C

    Help - Abcess Related

    Hi everyone, Well my bun Charlie is 7 years old and since October 2007 has had a jaw abcess which are re-occurred 3 times! Unfortunately I hadn't caught it early enough first time so he was left with a boney lump permanently and in March he had 2 back molars removed which were the cause of the...
  5. C

    I cant believe it...DISGUSTED! Update.

    2 weeks - that is disgusting!!! U are a braver person than me as I think I would have started crying or something as i'm a weee bit sensitive. Defo try the smaller animal charities - anything to try and get those poor babies away from what sounds very much like a hell hole. Animals really don't...
  6. C

    Advice on Abcesses - What should I do?

    Hi everyone, Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Well Charlie had his op on Monday - they have lanced the abcess and removed 2 offending teeth! The abcess has been left open to drain and he goes back to the vets tomorrow evening for a check-up. He's definately a little fighter - he was in and...
  7. C

    Advice on Abcesses - What should I do?

    Thanks for your message. I have thought long and hard about it and with the replies I have received I have desided to go ahead and allow Charlie to have the op tomorrow to lance the abcess and to do whatever else is neccessary. I think doubts only creeped into my head as rabbits can't really...
  8. C

    Advice on Abcesses - What should I do?

    I'm so confused as to what is best for my beautiful boy Charlie. He is a 7 year old Netherland Dwarf and has an awful re-occurring abcess under his chin brought on my an infected molar tooth. The first abcess occurred in October 2007 - I noticed one day that he had a tuft of fur which look...