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Recent content by sidsmum

  1. S

    hi im mother bunny

    hi, you sound like me 4 kids 1 dog 10 rabbits and 2 gerbils lol. i have found myself in similar situation had 2 accidental litters 4 weeks apart!!! found great homes for the first litter all have settled well and i still see most of them and my second litter are going to live at Rand farm park...
  2. S


    well we lost one found him at the back of the nest last night :( got 2 tiny ones still but they do look like theyve been fed at least! and 5 big strapping babys left too so heres hoping for the best .
  3. S


    babys are 5 days old so in ten days theyll be 15 days . im kinda confused as to whether this lil guy has been getting any milk or just from whats left of the placenta i really dont know but he is tiny although developing downy fur like the the others.
  4. S


    this mornings developments thanks for your replys:) there are 8 in the litter, i went out this morning to have a good look and pick the kit up to try and see whats what.i havent been picking them up (only to put back in the nest).what i found was quite weird it appears we have 2 runts one that...
  5. S


    one is still tiny bout half size of others and very scrawny :(
  6. S

    I guess we've got a new rabbit!

    are you certain hes a he this happened to us,the stray was a male but our existing so called male sid had a litter and got caught with a second thanks to our stray who is now a proud but neutered daddy!
  7. S


    that makes sense ,hopefully he was just late letting go thanks x
  8. S


    hi i have a litter of kits 5 days old one is considerably smaller than the others and seems to be getting pushed out the nest.should i be hand rearing at present im rubbin my hand in mums poo and putting him back with the others.any advice welcome x
  9. S

    Poorly back leg

    hi sorry to hear about your buns leg? im near mansfield too which vets are you using?
  10. S

    unexpected litter questions!lotsa pics of kits update

    thanks folks im so proud of sid for being such a great mum.floppy has now been neutered so hopefully thats it unles he caught her before we found the babys(as we thought they were both males).
  11. S

    unexpected litter questions!lotsa pics of kits update

    update on sids litter im so proud! well the kits are thriving! sid turned out to be a great mum with all 6 kits surviving and getting strong! heres some pics of the lil ones all with good homes ready for their 7 week birthday!(apart from the 2 im keeping farmer pickles -the black one and stan-...
  12. S

    baby bunnies

    aw i had a suprise litter a couple of weeks ago and posted similar questions,mine are all fine and look like rabbits now lol!i wore a latex glove rubbed in the rabbit muck before checking the babys and sid (mum) was fine infact shes become really affectionate towards me since she had her...
  13. S

    floppy neutered tomorrow

    thanks for your kind wishes dropped floppy off this morning, my 4 year old daughter is distraught convinced he will wake up on the operating table(dont know where shes got that idea from!) anyway fetching him this afternoon all being well :)
  14. S

    please help urgent

    Seems fine this morning he is the one i will be keeping though if he makes it. im pretty sure hes the runt tiny bit smaller but active again and think hes been fed floppy in for the snip this morning so will seek advice later when i pick him up.thanks for all your help i really appreciate it.:D
  15. S

    please help urgent

    think i may have jumped the gun seems to have perked right up will keep an eye on him:)