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Recent content by Rufusb

  1. R

    Rufus Bartholomew - kidney problem - input welcome

    Got him home last night and the nurse said he'd be eating a bit and has poo'd the most since he went in. About 20 in total, got him home and settled him in and again he was bright, pood'd abit more but not as many as he would normally, fairly good looking jobbies too. Made the decision to...
  2. R

    Rufus Bartholomew - kidney problem - input welcome

    Thank you for all the good wishes, I stayed up most of the night with him and he was eating his hay but hasn't been for a any poos yet or urine. As Im at work all day I dropped him back into my vets who for a small fee will feed him regularly and look after him today and hopefully get his gut...
  3. R

    Rufus Bartholomew - kidney problem - input welcome

    Crusty deposits to one side, he wasn't himself when I got in from work hadn't touched his food so we booked him in and took to our local vet. Checked him all over and concluded that his kidneys were giving him pain etc. Every time they were touched he really struggled and was in pain. They...
  4. R

    Are your buns insured?

    I was having a conversation with my vet today about insurance for my two bunnies trying to get recommendations on the best company to use for rabbits or ones that cover the most or don't wriggle on claims. She suggested pet plan, any other suggestions ?
  5. R

    Rufus Bartholomew - kidney problem - input welcome

    Hi. Thanks for the input. Gonna get him booked in early next week. When I say crusty deposits, it's more like a very small amount of dried/matted hair. At first I thought it was a stray bit of hay until I had a closer look. As for saying he isn't sneezing. I got in from work and he sneezed...
  6. R

    Rufus Bartholomew - kidney problem - input welcome

    Our house rabbit, has for a week or two had small crusty deposits around the top part of his nose. No sneezing, no eyes weeping, been happy in him self etc. Im worried it is snuffles but my OH says not. Is this just the start of snuffles and should I nip it in the bud or is it just a cold (...
  7. R

    Male rabbit, introduced a new female, odd behaviour - input welcome

    The odd thing amongst all this is the humper is a tiny little thing and rabbit getting humped is three times the size of the one doing the humping. But he seems to placid to do anything. My partner is worried if they do fight it'll lead to bloodshed but it needs to be done really.
  8. R

    Male rabbit, introduced a new female, odd behaviour - input welcome

    Thanks for the reply. Any advice on stopping the head humping? Pull him off as and when he does it?
  9. R

    Male rabbit, introduced a new female, odd behaviour - input welcome

    Got them in the bathroom tonight armed with oven gloves and a water pistol. They are both not that interested in each other but when pancake ( the smaller newer recently discovered male rabbit ) can he humps our other rabbits head. Pull him off and he tries to do it again All the water...
  10. R

    Male rabbit, introduced a new female, odd behaviour - input welcome

    Define small? We have a tiny bathroom?? She is called Pancake!!! Thanks for the input. This website and the people who use it are so helpful. The rabbit we've had the longest is very relaxed and placid. Pancake on the other hand is a ball of fury and rage. In the nicest possible way!
  11. R

    Male rabbit, introduced a new female, odd behaviour - input welcome

    Soooooo, our female isn't a female. 'Her' little lipstick made an appearance last night!!!! Is bonding two males a hellish task as having had 'her' for a while we are understandably attached and don't want to keep them separate forever. They share a room on a Rota basis so are used to each...
  12. R

    Male rabbit, introduced a new female, odd behaviour - input welcome

    Tonight our female is sat in her cage and eating hay, rufus is outside the cage eating the same hay and all seems well. Bit of snapping at each other but generally good natured with each other.
  13. R

    Male rabbit, introduced a new female, odd behaviour - input welcome

    Yeah. Had him done five weeks or so ago. Thanks for the reply.
  14. R

    Male rabbit, introduced a new female, odd behaviour - input welcome

    Hi all you lovely people, Rufus, our 6 month old dwarf lop has had the house to himself and his own room all his life and now we introduce a 11 week old female dwarf lop into the equation. Put them in the bath together to start with and breifly sniffed each other then went to seperate ends...
  15. R

    Rabbit has his own room now and not sure he's happy...input welcome

    Rufus as he is known, loves toilet rolls. Holds them in his mouth and waves them round like a wand.