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Recent content by Rosie Lee

  1. R

    U/D pg7 On the Mend - Bobbin possible GI Statis....

    So glad to find Bobbin is much better:p:p
  2. R

    U/D pg7 On the Mend - Bobbin possible GI Statis....

    Hope Bobbin feels better soon. When Gilo had GI stasis the vet suggested tempting her with anything within reason as she had made sure there was no blockage. We had an assortment of suitable food on the floor & had to keep the dog & cat from eating it!! After an eternity she got fed up of us &...
  3. R

    Desperately need healing vibes tonight

    Glad she's much better:D She is beautiful.
  4. R

    Desperately need healing vibes tonight

    Sending lots of healing vibes.
  5. R

    Diarrohea - RIP JASPER XX

    I am so sorry Kristy, I have been following this post. Binky free at the bridge little Jasper. Rosex
  6. R

    URGENT help-bunny gasping for breath

    So sorry to hear about Gabriel, binky free little one. Hugs to you. Rosex
  7. R

    vhd jabs

    Gilo reacted like that, we took her back & they gave her a steroid injection to help the inflammation, they also gave us some cream to help soothe it to. I think it was Fuciderm, it took about 2 weeks to clear up. Rose
  8. R

    Chipping Rabbits

    Gilo was microchipped when she was spayed as it was cheaper & ocassionally people forget to close the door properly, also she goes out on a lead. Rose
  9. R


    So sorry to hear about Billy, but he had a lovely Mum, please take comfort in that. Sleep well little one. Hugs to you. Rose
  10. R

    Reaction to myxomatosis vaccine

    Gilo reacted to her VHD injection but it was the same day. I took her back & they gave her some cream for me to rub on the area & also a steroid injection to take down the inflamation. It might be worth ringing for some advice but after 2 weeks unless he is in discomfort I would think Monday...
  11. R

    a harsh warning...

    So sorry to hear about your buns, it was very kind of you to think of us all & let us know about laurel. Hugs to you & your Mum. Rosex
  12. R

    dogs and bunnies - help needed!

    We have a whippet, who has lived with one or other rabbit since we got her. In fact yesterday I caught Gilo (rabbit) washing Fudge (dog). However when we got our previous dog we already had a rabbit & we gradually introduced them, trhe main problem is the chase instinct in the dog, but...
  13. R

    Bio catolet

    I've used it for Gilo for over 18mths & also use it for the rats. Gilo tends to just pick it up & then spit it out, but I don't think she likes the taste! Rose
  14. R

    Treacle's breathing funny: He's gone

    So sorry to hear about Treacle. Hugs to you. Rose
  15. R

    Litter trays - what to use?

    We use Bio-catolet, which seems to work. Rose