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Recent content by Peter Williams

  1. P

    Frank and I say Hello we are new

    Frank not eating Frank is much better now, but I am having great difficulty trying to post pictures of Frank. Has anyone got any suggestions Many thanks Peter and Frank Ps Frank has his own web site on Face Book go to Frank Williams
  2. P

    Frank and I say Hello we are new

    Frank not eating :wave:Just wanted to let everyone know that Frank has had his teeth done now, he is back home eating like mad and causing havoc. We are awaiting results from his blood tests, hopefully they will be ok. Many thanks for everyones suggestions and help, Frank and we really...
  3. P

    Frank and I say Hello we are new

    Hello from Frank I would just like to say thank you to everyone for your comments and suggestions, Frank really appreciates them.:love:
  4. P

    Off Food

    Franks droppings look normal, round, hard and sometimes darkish grey or nearly black and sometimes deiiferent at night. He certainly has not lost the natural instinct on what to eat and not to eat, for example he will not go anywhere near Foxgloves and a few other plants. We have just heard that...
  5. P

    Off Food

    :wave:Our rabbit Frank is a 3 year old part wild rabbit who has since this time last year has on a regular basis gone off his food. His teeth have been filed down twice since then, he is in today for the same thing even though the vet has said the burrs were not really bad and would not have...
  6. P

    Frank and I say Hello we are new

    Frank not eating Frank belonged to our youngest daughter, she could not take him with her when she moved, she had him from being a baby. He has always eaten well, lives indoors, not in a hutch, he does go outside, his teeth are ok, he is at the vets today for examination, they found very small...
  7. P

    Frank and I say Hello we are new

    :wave:Frank has a problem and we are looking for help. The vet has very little idea what is wrong, Frank is a 3 year old part wild rabbit and keeps going off his food and will only take the Recovery food via a syringe, he takes the supplement with no trouble. Yet he will not eat his greens or...