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  • IMG_1375.jpegIMG_1345.jpeg
    Could someone please help me identifying this bunny’s breed? We found him on the street not long ago… thank you ☺️
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    Reactions: Bunnygirl
    Barn Yard Bunnies
    Barn Yard Bunnies
    Very cute and looks like a lion head.
    bunny momma
    bunny momma
    He looks like a Dwarf Hotot mixed with lionhead.
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    Reactions: abh356
    He is so cute!!! 🥰 I'd bet you anything he's a dwarf hotot/lionhead. Lucky you, those are two of my favorite breeds.
    So sad though, how he was on the street. :cry: how could anyone abandon this tiny cutie?!??
    Okay, I just looked at those pictures again after writing this comment, and I repeat, he is the cutest thing ever.
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