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Recent content by njbunnymom

  1. N

    Millie-please help urgently U/D my baby hasn't made it

    So sorry for the loss of your lovely Millie. Sending heartfelt hugs and prayers for you. :love:
  2. N

    just because i love him

    What terrific photos! Thank you for sharing. I love when my bunnies "help" around the house. My Grace is particularly helpful when I'm straightening up. She just charges right in and wants to take charge.
  3. N

    38 feet tall..... PETER RABBIT

    I swear the world is turning upside down. This is just horrible.
  4. N

    Rabbit Passed Away for Unknown Reason - Help

    I cannot give you any advice - but I did want to send you my thoughts and condolences over the loss of your kind and lovely rabbit friend.
  5. N

    38 feet tall..... PETER RABBIT

    Oh no! That is awful! Was that planned or an act of vandalism? How horrible.
  6. N

    Bunny business heavy duty metal run

    Babsie, thanks for the reminder. I had seen that post a while ago but I really thought my pen was of a better quality. The opening between the slats was only 1.5 inches (3.8cm) and I didn't think my bun's head could get through. I was wrong! So glad I monitored the cage in use first! The...
  7. N

    Bunnies Are Awfully Amazing

    Thanks for the kind replies everyone. Shayne - it's amazing how they just "know." Like MightyMax said so well - a sixth sense. We think we're so smart as humans but we know so little about how animals really think - and feel. We're almost all better, thank goodness. You don't want whatever...
  8. N

    Behaviour Poster - When Your Rabbit is Unwell

    This is wonderful - very well done! May I distribute this to others? I'd love to give this to my vet to get out to the public.
  9. N

    Bunny business heavy duty metal run

    Please watch the puppy enclosures. I just purchased one for a temporary enclosure for my new bun prior to bonding her with our trio (a work in progress). I tested her in it for a bit and watched as she poked her little head through the slats and got stuck. She could have strangled herself. I...
  10. N

    Bunnies Are Awfully Amazing

    On Monday, my teenage daughter began to have a fever. I figured she had the flu and set her up on our couch with warm blankets, Tylenol and lots of tea. Late in the afternoon, our trio came out and sat by her until she went to bed. The next day, she was still sick, and the rabbits came out of...
  11. N

    Bonding Spayed/Neutered Trio with Baby Doe

    Thanks everyone - I appreciate the advice. Things are calming a bit for the trio, which is good. It's kind of amazing to watch the behaviors, but you do really, really need to consider carefully when you're adding another bun into your family.
  12. N

    Bonding Spayed/Neutered Trio with Baby Doe

    Hi All, I've just taken in an 8-week old sweetheart - a Netherland Dwarf we've named Honey. She's just a tiny thing and I am keeping her in a separate cage that our trio can peer into. Once the Christmas tree is down, she'll have a puppy fence and a larger run. I tried a little ultra...
  13. N

    Should Harry Get Married Now? Curbing Aggression in a Trio.

    Thanks, Toni. I thought the maturation process was all wrapped up already. They all used to snuggle up together at night on the rug and it was so cute to see. Now Harry is like the third wheel and I almost can feel that he feels all alone. I have to think long and hard about adding a fourth...
  14. N

    Should Harry Get Married Now? Curbing Aggression in a Trio.

    Thanks for the guidance and advice. I like the Sally idea - I didn't think of that!
  15. N

    Should Harry Get Married Now? Curbing Aggression in a Trio.

    Hi everyone...I have a lovely trio of Netherland Dwarfs that used to get along wonderfully in a cage-free, indoor home. Jiji and Grace are a bonded couple and Harry is their son. They used to get along just beautifully, but lately Jiji has been very aggressive towards his son. I've actually...