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Recent content by marchi1990

  1. marchi1990

    Loss of 3 rabbits in just over a month

    To be honest, I was totally unaware of this and now I feel truly awful that I could have prevented this. I have ordered Vikron and will clean everything. All of the enclosures are wooden so that could be a challenge but I will do my absolute best and destroy everything else. My poor babies :(
  2. marchi1990

    Loss of 3 rabbits in just over a month

    Very useful, thank you. I forgot to add - for several weeks a wild rabbit has been lingering around our garden. I don't know if this has any link whatsoever. However, he/she does look very healthy and not sick in any way. I will call the vet and talk to them about swapping around the vaccines...
  3. marchi1990

    Loss of 3 rabbits in just over a month

    Thank you Amy, I have booked him in but because he is due his normal booster jabs they've said I have to wait 2 weeks. I've purchased Virkon and I will clean everything this weekend. I will also destroy the remaining homes that are left. :-(
  4. marchi1990

    Loss of 3 rabbits in just over a month

    Thank you, is VHD2 contagious?
  5. marchi1990

    Loss of 3 rabbits in just over a month

    Is this the new vaccine that was fairly recently introduced? No they weren't if that's the case.
  6. marchi1990

    Loss of 3 rabbits in just over a month

    Hello everyone I haven't posted on here in a few years but I am looking for some advice. I am absolutely devastated and confused. Last month I had four lovely rabbits, and now I only have one left. They all lived separately although their runs were directly next to each other. Just to give you...
  7. marchi1990

    Cleaning a rabbit house after a death

    Unfortunately I lost Cookie to fly strike on Thursday: http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/showthread.php?444300-Fly-strike-how-did-this-happen-Worried-about-other-bunnies She lived in a lovely Wendy house/ run combo that is now empty. I would like to eventually move another one of my rabbits...
  8. marchi1990

    Fly strike - how did this happen? Worried about other bunnies

    They have now all had rearguard applied - two on Thursday and two today and so far they all seem absolutely fine. I am going to reduce the amount of pellets that Pepper receives as she is certainly eating more than an egg cup a day. Hopefully this will help. I have also clipped her to help...
  9. marchi1990

    Fly strike - how did this happen? Worried about other bunnies

    Thank you everybody. I took two of them to the vets last night to have them checked and they applied rear-guard. The other two are going in the morning. We are having Cookie cremated and we should be able to collect her ashes in about one week. One of my bunnies has a particularly sticky...
  10. marchi1990

    Fly strike - how did this happen? Worried about other bunnies

    Thanks everyone. It has been an awful morning. So how does F10 wound wash work? Would I apply that to the other bunnies as I would have done rearguard? Is it a preventative?
  11. marchi1990

    Fly strike - how did this happen? Worried about other bunnies

    Morning everybody, This morning I woke up to find one of my bunnies, Cookie, slumped over and clearly very poorly. She was rushed to the vets and we were told she had fly strike. The vet investigated and said that it was too advanced for it to be treatable and so the decision was made for her...
  12. marchi1990

    Willow has bumble foot :( UPDATE

    Poor baby Willow xx
  13. marchi1990

    So proud of Sylvie

    Go Kelly!!!
  14. marchi1990

    Miss Bunny Penny~ 7th February 2014

    I'm so very sorry xx
  15. marchi1990

    Inspector Morse~ 2nd February 2014. A Tribute to a Legend

    Nothing I say will make any difference but I'm so unbelievably sorry. Rest easy lovely boy xx