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Recent content by lryancr

  1. L

    Persistent Rabbit Head Tilt, what do I do?

    Hello everyone. My beloved rabbit, Mr. Peaches, has had a persistent head tilt for several months now. Back in early March, I took him to the vet with a severe head tilt in which his head was literally tilted about 80 degrees. He lost all of his balance, wasn't eating or pooping, and wasn't...
  2. L

    Head tilt and middle ear infection?

    Thanks everyone for the help, I appreciate it. Please keep the advice coming throughout the day, I'll be calling my vet in the afternoon to seek further treatment. Mr. Peaches seems a lot happier since I've found time to play with him more, that's a start! :D
  3. L

    Head tilt and middle ear infection?

    Hoppetylop, did your rabbit's head tilt go away completely? I'm really worried about Mr. Peaches right now.
  4. L

    Head tilt and middle ear infection?

    I am actually in the US. My vet seems to be very knowledgeable about the problem, as he is a rabbit owner himself. I will take my rabbit back in a few days to see this vet if his condition doesn't get better. My rabbit's rapid eye movement has stopped, so that must be a sign that he's...
  5. L

    Head tilt and middle ear infection?

    No, the vet did not prescribe anything but the Baytril and the Meclizine. What should I do moving forward?
  6. L

    Head tilt and middle ear infection?

    Hey everyone, new to the forum. My beloved rabbit of more than four years, Mr. Peaches, has gotten a case of head tilt due to an ear infection. Last week, I noticed that his head was tilting to the left, his eyes were moving up and down, and he wasn't eating, so I took him to see the vet...