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Recent content by lovable_lou_uk

  1. lovable_lou_uk

    My Bunny is leaking - urine incontinence?

    Oh...and he does perfect wees in his litter tray, wonderfully litter trained apart from this odd dribbling!!!:(
  2. lovable_lou_uk

    My Bunny is leaking - urine incontinence?

    Hi thanks for your help! Will definately ask the vets about this drug! Popcorn was neutered about 18 months ago so it can't be anything to do with that. NOthing has changed with the buns at all! Nothing exciting happens a 7pm, and tonight he's totally normal, no dribbling at all - typical! So...
  3. lovable_lou_uk

    My Bunny is leaking - urine incontinence?

    HI, thanks for the message!!! Yep, i did 28 days of panacur, he had a few odd days of dribble but this has been 2 days and like before only happens after 7pm at night! Very wierd! I'll definately pop him to the vets as he's perfectly litter trained and it's not as if it's loads of wee or...
  4. lovable_lou_uk

    My Bunny is leaking - urine incontinence?

    It's happening again.....leaking urine (or something clear)!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! WHat could it be? He's totally normal apart from that! So annoying...anyone got any ideas again?
  5. lovable_lou_uk

    Just How Intelligent Are Bunnies?

    Mine knows exactly when feeding time is! They wake us up every morning for their fresh hay at half 7, 5 mins later than that and you can here them going crazy in their room! As soon as i come in from work they know it's pellets time and they're sitting patiently next to their bowl. At 9pm they...
  6. lovable_lou_uk

    worried bout bun

    http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/showthread. Check this out. My bun used to sneeze loads! No snuffles or anything, just saw dust etc! :)
  7. lovable_lou_uk

    My Bunny is leaking - urine incontinence?

    Thanks guys! Well i've come back just and there is no wet bum and no patches anywhere! I just dont understand! I'll go for the 6 weeks panacur then - the vet only suggested 9 days but 6 weeks is fine if thats what you suggest! I'll do anything to help it stop! It's so weird though, one day he...
  8. lovable_lou_uk

    My Bunny is leaking - urine incontinence?

    It's in a bowl and nope it happens where ever he sits for 10 mins. You can kinda see it coming out when you tip him over. Just a tiny drop every few minutes which makes a lot after half an hour. He's fine again now, just had a look and all dry but i bet when i get home from a rehearsal he'll be...
  9. lovable_lou_uk

    Loud Gurgling Tummy...

    I had a foster bun that had a gurgly tummy! Extra loud!! Check the post out http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/showthread.php?t=114666&highlight=gurgly+tummy
  10. lovable_lou_uk

    My Bunny is leaking - urine incontinence?

    hello, My 2 1/2 year old house bun 'Popcorn' is leaking urine (well i say it's urine but it has no smell or colour to it). This has been going on for about 3 weeks. He's been to the vet, had a 5 day course of baytril and it didn't make any difference. He was panacured for 9 days too. The thing...
  11. lovable_lou_uk

    Please pray for Shayla

    Sending a big hug to you all!!! So sorry!:cry:
  12. lovable_lou_uk

    Worlds biggest bunny has babies!!!!!

    Don't tell me off but i actually brought a 2 bunnies from her a few years ago! If i knew what I know now I wouldn't have! Her business was called BunnyLand - located in Worcester. It all seemed lovely - nice people - family run etc and they seemed to take care of the buns. They also said they...
  13. lovable_lou_uk

    How do you....

    I really can't wait to see bungle..that bunny house looks wicked!:D
  14. lovable_lou_uk


    You've made me cry now Hayley!!!! Cocoa was just so fab!! Hope you are ok :cry:
  15. lovable_lou_uk


    Totally gutted about this...i fostered him, even though it wasn't very long i loved him to bits and was going to keep him myself until hayley came along! He was such a friendly bun...binky free little man! You will be missed!:cry: