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Recent content by Lottie

  1. L

    Female Lop in need of new home - London

    I just wanted to say thank you to Bunnylove - i'm so glad she is going to take Boeing becuase I know she will be going to a good home. Thank you so much
  2. L

    Female Lop in need of new home - London

    Her and her friend used to live inside with us until we got them a really big cage and run outside. She would need to be litter trained but used love exploring, especially right under the bed where we couldn't quite reach her :lol:
  3. L

    Female Lop in need of new home - London

    Unfortunately not Denny. They are giving us until the end of Feb and say they will take her down to the RSPCA if we don't have something arranged. But then again she is my bunnie and my in laws and I never did see eye to eye. Have put her on the main page as well so hopefully more people will...
  4. L

    Female Lop in need of new home - London

    Here is a picture of her http://photobucket.com/albums/v649/LottieLovelyShoes/?action=view&current=boeing-1Final.jpg Will see if I can get some better ones tonight
  5. L

    We are planing to adopt another bunny, but help please first

    I have a 2 year old femal neutered lop looking for a new home if you are interested...We are in London, Harrow but can deliver.... http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/viewtopic.php?p=37382#37382 (thanks to Towsbuns for noticing the post for me)
  6. L

    Female Lop in need of new home - London

    thanks Towsbuns - I will post for her. I took some pictures last night - just have find the download lead so I can get them onto my computer - so watch this space!
  7. L

    Female Lop in need of new home - London

    Due to a massive change in circumstances I need to find a new home for my bunnie :cry: She is a 2 year old black lop-earred called 'Boeing' (because she used to hold her ears out straight from the side of her head like plane wings). . She has been done and has had her mixy injections.She...