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Recent content by Laureyxo

  1. L

    Aggression after loss of partner

    My boy bun seemed fine for about a week after our girl bun passed away (around a fortnight ago) but for the last few days he's stopped coming out of his indoor cage and is lunging at me and nipping/scratching me every time I try and feed him or get him out. He does have a history of biting the...
  2. L

    What breed is she?

    Thank you both, I will try and find out more. I think I'm hoping that if we get another of the same/similar breed they will have a similarly lovely personality but I know that probably won't be the case! X
  3. L

    RIP Grace

    Missing my beautiful girl bun so much today. She had to be PTS after a very bad and sudden stroke in our garden. We believe she was around 8 years old but we only had her for 3.
  4. L

    What breed is she?

    Sorry not sure if this photo upload will work first time round, the grey bunny is my beautiful girl who passed away last week. She was a rescue and I never knew what breed she was but she was absolutely gorgeous. Just wondered if anyone could tell me what type she is? TIA, Laura
  5. L

    Can a Rabbit be happy alone?

    As above really, can single rabbits be happy with enough attention or are they generally always happier bonded? I appreciate if probably depends on personality type. xx
  6. L

    Loss of girl rabbit

    Thanks so much for replying, my girl bun was elderly but I'm still very traumatised by how it happened it was very acute and nasty. She was the most gentle rabbit I have ever encountered. We actually got her from a rescue when our last girl bun passed away as a pal for our boy bun. I feel bad...
  7. L

    Loss of girl rabbit

    Sadly my beautiful girl bun had a horrific stroke in the garden today and had to be pts. I am devastated but worried about my boy bun. He is indoors but has been very restricted to his cage lately aside from garden runs so is a bit anti social at the best of times apart from when he was with our...
  8. L

    Bad stomach again

    I've heard of people using Ella's baby food before, what are the best ones I don't want to risk upsetting her stomach any further, apples? Parsnip? Unfortunately my little boy has moved onto Ella's lumpy Thai curry and don't think that's suitable 😂
  9. L

    Bad stomach again

    Thanks omi, they have now given her metoclopramide an antibiotic shot fibreplex and recovery formula X
  10. L

    Bad stomach again

    Yeah she's 8 omi, she's so lethargic this morning. We tried a week of buprenorphine and it didn't seem to do anything but it didn't have any anti inflammatory properties. However generally she just seems in a really bad condition, I try and give her loads of hay because it's all she will eat but...
  11. L

    Bad stomach again

    My girl bun grace needed some fibreplex a fortnight ago for a bad stomach (seemingly a reaction to metacam) and now has loose stool again. It looks partly like squashed caectrophes (sp?!) but she cannot clean herself due to bad legs. I've given her a clean, I don't think she's eating well - she...
  12. L

    Rabbit savvy vet Dartford area?

    Hi everyone I'm looking for a rabbit savvy vet in the Crayford/Dartford area if anyone has come across one? The RWAF don't have any local ones on their list.. TIA Laura xx
  13. L

    Weak elderly rabbit

    Possibly mighty max she also gave me some paste-like stuff to feed her which she seems to quite like! Otherwise she's generally unimpressed with me, it has been a long day for her xx
  14. L

    Weak elderly rabbit

    Jacks-Jane the vet did warn me, she is seeing her again on Saturday to review her and the dose if necessary :) if it is making her drowsy I will definitely ask about injecting the anti inflammatory instead, thank you for the advice xx
  15. L

    Weak elderly rabbit

    Thank you, I had to rush her to the vet earlier as she reacted badly to metacam and now has a poorly stomach the vet who saw her was agency unfortunately but was excellent and really thorough She recommended some exercises to help her legs gave her some medicine to settle her stomach and is...