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  • Hello I have a little lop called Joey, I took him for his vaccination last week and he now has a lump on his back his nose and ear and has milky swollen eyes - went to the vets yesterday and they are saying he is having signs of myxomatosis and this is very rare I am so worried about him is this normal? He is still eating and drinking and running around I’m just so worried his immune system can’t fight it off
    Is he an outdoor Rabbit? If so he needs to be brought indoors as there is evidence that recovery from Myxomatosis is more likely if the ambient temperature is about 20c. Also, poorly Rabbits can become hypothermic as they can struggle to maintain their body temperature.
    He is a house rabbit - I took him to the vets today she said she thinks it’s just from the vaccine as it’s day 4 and symptoms would usually be a lot more severe and he’s still eating and running around is not low on energy all his health checks are fine it’s just his eyes one is better today -
    have been given anti inflammatory and pain releif and have to monitor but she did also say he could get worse and there’s nothing I can do but monitor him for the next 14 days 😢
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