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Recent content by Jennifer B

  1. Jennifer B

    Have 2 rabbits,should I give homes to more?

    I would stick with the two you've got and give them maximum space and attention. It would be a shame to be short of cash or time to spend on them. Sounds like a fab big home for two. Don't feel guilty about the way you got them. At least you know where to go if you ever do want to get another...
  2. Jennifer B

    Introducing Rita and Lola

    Thanks all. They're really beginning to find their feet now and every time I go out to see them they come running up under my feet. They've certainly worked out who brings them their food! :)
  3. Jennifer B

    Introducing Rita and Lola

    Thanks all for the nice comments about my bunny girls. They are settling in nicely and my two boys now say they have step-sisters! In fact I've probably been fussing over the rabbits more than my boys :love:
  4. Jennifer B

    Introducing Rita and Lola

    Yes, we adopted them from there on the 3rd February. I'm so glad we did. They are beautiful, healthy, happy girls.
  5. Jennifer B

    Daily hutch tidy - how much is enough?

    Sorry, I couldn't seem to link directly to it, but it's the one at the far right which is £3.28. I think the cheaper one is just the usual clumping sort of litter, rather than the wood based one. Hard to tell as they don't give you much info on the web site!
  6. Jennifer B

    Daily hutch tidy - how much is enough?

    http://groceries.asda.com/asda-estore/search/searchcontainer.jsp?trailSize=1&searchString=cat+litter&domainName=Products&headerVersion=v1&_requestid=145739 Smart Litter Wood Pellet Litter from Asda £3.28 for 10L It's not so much the price, it's the waste of chucking out a load of it that isn't...
  7. Jennifer B

    Daily hutch tidy - how much is enough?

    I think it'll probably just take me a little while to get into the rhythm of it. They don't seem to have settled into using one place for wee/poo. It's in their bedding and on the hutch floor as well as in the litter tray and under-bed storage box. I've been using wood pellet litter but I'm...
  8. Jennifer B

    Daily hutch tidy - how much is enough?

    Well, I guess I'm doing about the same amount as you guys. They do seem to poo everywhere, not just in their litter tray. I'm giving them loads of hay - in their sleeping area, in a litter tray in their house area, and a big under-bed storage box in a covered bit of the run where they like to...
  9. Jennifer B

    *Sensitve* Our bun died in the night

    I'm afraid I don't have any suggestions, but I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss.
  10. Jennifer B

    Daily hutch tidy - how much is enough?

    This will be where I discover I'm not cleaning them out enough!;)
  11. Jennifer B

    Daily hutch tidy - how much is enough?

    How clean do you make their hutch/run every day? I seem to find myself almost giving them a full clear out every day. I start off by emptying out their litter trays but I find it hard to take out the poo/wee and leave the rest so basically the whole thing ends up changed. Then I sweep up the...
  12. Jennifer B

    Could i have done anything different?

    I'm very sorry for your loss. I really don't have any experience of this but I don't think you have any reason to reproach yourself about what's happened. The only thing I can think of is that if your bunny was out a lot more than your neighbours it's scent might have been stronger in the...
  13. Jennifer B

    Rita bit me! Ouch

    She has been spayed and has been fine around me so far. She is the dominant of the pair and is always the first to come over and see what is going on. Her sister is a bit more wary of me but so far Rita has been quite happy to be petted. I think it probably was just the treat and I have to get...
  14. Jennifer B

    Rita bit me! Ouch

    My new lovely bunny Rita bit me and drew blood while I was giving her a crunchie carrot treat. :shock: I've been giving them one a day whilst giving them a pet to help get them used to me and usually they are quite happy to eat them out of my hand. Today Rita (the feisty one!) decided I was...