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Recent content by j-nome

  1. j-nome

    Rabbit Showjumping/Hopping

    i know they dont do show jumping for rabbits in the uk but the do abbroad
  2. j-nome

    Can you give a few hours each month to help rabbits?

    like a few others i live quite far away but im good in crafty situations butt... im 12 ...13 in april (on the 7th to be precise) i llove animals pm me or just email me at jerome_2008@live.co.uk and msn (no email) is jerome_2008@hotmail.co.uk
  3. j-nome

    Miss Pebble

    nice rabbits
  4. j-nome

    Who has adopted from ARC?

    were is arc coz for me birthday i might come and adopt a rabbit
  5. j-nome

    rabbit show jumping

    well im thinking of buyng a few rabbits for my birthday and teaching them show jumping but shud i get two males ,two females or a boy and a girl and how should i train them .... oh! and what breed should i get?