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Recent content by fionaw

  1. F

    Is 19g weld mesh strong enough?

    We have 19g mesh on our indoor runs and the rabbits break it easily! 19g is 1mm thick, whereas 16g is 1.6mm thick, and what we use for our outdoor runs.
  2. F

    Worried i've fed something poisonous to Winston, please help :(

    I think it might be wild arum/lords and ladies/cuckoo pint, which I don't think is good for rabbits.. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=wild+arum&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=rq9DVeOLHMzlaJvsgbAL&ved=0CC0QsAQ&biw=1366&bih=631
  3. F

    rabbit/pet photographers?

    Pmd you :)
  4. F

    Readigrass - Has anyone else found the following

    I only buy the 15kg bags which are about £12, so with a lot of buns it is the only way to be able to afford it! But yes the quality does vary, I found that after it was unavailable for months the quality was poor, with it being very fine to start with, but the bales coming in now and great -...
  5. F

    Are Happy Hutches Any Good?

    Happy Hutch products are well priced and look good, good sizes etc but are not very weatherproof - the ones we had were hopeless for getting damp and we had to make many alterations such as putting extra felt on them to make them weatherproof, in addition the door hinges broke after only a year...
  6. F

    Rabbit boarding places in the Birmingham/Gloucester/Evesham area?

    Thanks that's great, will pass on their details
  7. F

    Rabbit boarding places in the Birmingham/Gloucester/Evesham area?

    As title, can anyone recommend a boarding place in the above areas, a friend is looking for somewhere to board her bunny when she goes on holiday? Thanks :)
  8. F


    That sounds a bit light, my French lop (a smaller breed) weighed 3.5 kg at the same age, is he a purebred British Giant?
  9. F

    Myxi jab due in May, VHD not due until the autumn, can I use the new combined vaccine

    Hi, is it OK to use the new vaccine in May which is when the booster is due, which would mean having the VHD vaccine early, I don't really want to have just the single myxi vaccine now and wait until November to use the combined one for the first time, does anyone know if it will be a problem to...
  10. F


    Hi Becki!
  11. F

    Rabbit hutches with runs

    I can vouch for that, have recently had hutches with attached runs from them, they are very quick to respond to emails and made exactly what I was looking for! The quality is far superior to Happy Hutch, who supplied me with a one inch overhang on what I specified was to be an outdoor hutch and...
  12. F

    Bests place to buy mesh

    It's not too bad, once you know what length you need and what size you want (I use 1 inch by 1 inch) you can see the selection, the gauge I ordered was 1.6mm which is very sturdy and fox proof. Their shortest roll is 6 metres and they go up to 30 metres.
  13. F

    Bests place to buy mesh

    This is where I get mine from, they have a great selection of sizes and gauges: http://www.hillsofdevon.co.uk/aviary-mesh.html
  14. F

    URGENT : Cylap Burn UPDATE

    Absolutely agree, now that there are two alternatives I can't understand why it is still so widely used by vets!
  15. F

    URGENT : Cylap Burn UPDATE

    That's appalling that they told you they used Lapinject and in fact used Cylap! As Tamsin says it is very important they they report it to Pfizer (Cylap manufacturer) and you absolutely should not have to pay, I would be asking for the money spent on the vaccines to be refunded as well, as they...