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Recent content by Dot

  1. D

    Baby gates

    I use one to enclose 2 of my rabbits as there isn't a door on their room and no way of putting one on. Never had any problems with it, or with them escaping through the bars. I've got a dutch and a dutch cross in there, so about 2-3kg, but have had a 1.5kg dwarf in there as well and none of them...
  2. D

    How would you work these groups now?

    I've currently got 8 rabbits. Until 4 weeks ago they were kept as 2 pairs and a group of 4, made up of a doe pair, a doe/ buck pair and a doe/ 3 bucks group. 4 weeks ago the doe in the group of 4 broke her back and she's been on cage rest ever since. She's still got a further 2-8 weeks...
  3. D

    A rabbit is not for us

    Greyhounds are probably the laziest dogs there are. They don't want long walks and they certainly don't do getting wet. As for being greedy and having emotional or health issues, some do, some don't, like any other breed of dog. I do personally think this forum gives a very skewed view of...
  4. D

    I'm not a bunny mummy. :)

    Totally with you on this. I can't understand animals being equal to humans - they are different. I love them, but I would never have the emotional attachment to them that I would expect to have to a child or another person. I was brought up to understand that animals are not equals and, though...
  5. D

    I'm not a bunny mummy. :)

    I apologise if you found it insensitive. My comment was made from knowing or having known a number of people who are/ were truly desperate to have children but don't know if they can/ could or not. To suggest to any of them that there is such thing as a substitute for a child would have been not...
  6. D

    I'm not a bunny mummy. :)

    I call myself mum, but they are very definitely rabbits/ dogs/ ponies and not babies or children or child substitutes. I generally refer to animal owners as being mum or dad, but I always expect animals to be treated as animals and not anything else. I never refer to animals as being 'babies' as...
  7. D

    Lost my bunny!

    Heart stopping moment!! Mine have done similar things to me a few times where they've hidden somewhere water can't get and I'm convinced they've managed to get out of a locked room like something out of Jonathan Creek :lol: There'll be no stopping her now she's mastered laminate flooring!
  8. D


    I don't insure mine as I figure with 9 of them it would cost me far more in insurance than it does in vets bills. So far, in 7 years of having had my current buns (and having a decent rabbit vet who will actually treat them rather than just giving up on them) I've only had 1 who has had anything...
  9. D

    Diet advice please

  10. D

    Weight loss

    He was on excel, now excel light, but gets through I'd guess about 4 times as many pellets as he really should. He won't entertain any form of hay or straw, even chopped, and won't eat greens. He was slightly overweight but stable, now he's eating more for some reason (coincided with a new bag...
  11. D

    Weight loss

    If you have a rabbit who cannot eat hay due to having front teeth removed, cannot (or will not) eat greens of any kind and who will only eat pellets, how do you get them to lose weight without going hungry?
  12. D

    Those who have chose NOT to vaccinate

    Mine are only just being vaccinated and I've got 9 of them. They're not rabbits who are dumped in a hutch at the bottom of the garden and ignored, but I've never deemed them to be high risk and none of them have ever had anything. So it is more than possible to have unvaccinated rabbits who...
  13. D

    Hay in Norwich tops £9 a bale!

    No, all the hay suppliers are expecting it to be short again this year, so they're either now selling at inflated prices or they're refusing to sell at all until later in the year. My hay supplier can't get any small bales at all (he only makes huge round bales) as noone who has them is prepared...
  14. D

    Poor coat condition

    Sounds like it could well be mites then. I'll speak to the vet and see if they think she needs to go in earlier but, to be honest, if it was anything serious I'd expect to have seen something more by now. She's eating and exercising as normal and is perfectly fine in herself and just isn't...
  15. D

    Poor coat condition

    Vet is in just under 2 weeks. I've ordered some mite treatment a few days ago though, so should get that in the next couple of days. I'd just have expected at least her pair bond to show some symptoms if it was something like that.