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Recent content by Bunyipboy

  1. B

    My bunny won't stop licking me

    My rabbit would only lick my face when it was sweaty.. from an extremely tiring soccer game or something.. So I assumed he did it for the salt. Because that was the only time he ever licked- he wasnt much into licking anything.. not even his girlbun!
  2. B

    Housing a rex rabbit

    Hey Everyone (sorta new here.. didnt realise I had a sign-in already but got recommended this place by a friend, and am back! :) My main question is.. can you happily house a standard rex rabbit outside? ( ie sore hocks prevention and possibly non-waterproof coat? Thats what ive heard..) 2)...
  3. B


    I have 4. 3 together and 1 alone :cry: Hoping to have them as twos in the near future. Also have 2 piggies :D
  4. B

    Are bunnies allowed Mesclin salad stuff?

    I've never given it to mine but my mum has planted some in the garden, and so far they havent tried to eat it (only chin rubbed it). Should I be worried if they try to eat it?
  5. B

    Nervous bunny

    I have a rabbit that when let free in the house, sits there for hours on end and seriously, just will not move at all. She isnt nervous and her bonded mates are in too.. and they hop about to explore whilst she just sits there. When I pick her up she is fine and when my brother picks her up she...
  6. B


    Im guessing Molasses are good because they contain a lot of nutrients found in sugar canes, such as : calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc. Im not sure what they do exactly in a rabbit though but they are good for humans. I've given my buns corn on the cob (but sliced into smaller bits)...
  7. B

    thinking about getting one more bunny

    I would go for trying all 3 at once! I intoroduced my 3 all at once by dumping them in the new cage I had made (so it was neutral) before that the male had fought with the other two. Every now and then there is a slip up among the heirarchy (the smallest female will mount her mum when the mum is...
  8. B

    Possible separation of baby bun? - bonding vibes needed pls

    **Best wishes for Bilbo** Poor baby bunnies, lets just hope the others are fine, fingers crossed!
  9. B

    Losing Weight

    Hi Jacks Jane. Neo went to the vet today, had a very experienced guy look at him (he used to work in the UK) and definitely sounded as if he knew his stuff! Apparently bunny has bad back teeth, and may develop molar spurs in future and we have to keep an eye on that. There was also no movement...
  10. B

    Losing Weight

    My usually eat- a- lot, cuddly feeling bunny has lost weight. I can tell and he hasnt been eating normally for 2/3 days now. He will have a bit of hay or grass and the odd dandelion but he seems to be having trouble eating veges. He would used to snatch them and munch them quickly but now he...
  11. B

    Rabbit Rescues/ Refuges

    How much time (and money!)goes in to running one of these?? How hard is it to find homes and how much space does each rabbit need?? Just wondering cos I'd really like to have one oneday, not anytime soon (im only 15) but there are none where I live and I think I could be good at it... hopefully!
  12. B

    I hate people sometimes

    Why dont you go to the girl's house and find out what is going on?? See if they are not looking after them right and tell them how the poor babies died because they didnt let them stay with their mom! Or maybe dont be so harsh (im just a little annoyed). Poor, Poor baby bunnies :cry:
  13. B

    Major Tom-HE'S MADE IT!!!

    Even MORE good vibes and hope for Major Tom!!!!!!!! :wave:
  14. B

    Snoopy's perspex hutch thingy

    That looks great. I use tarpaulins and plastic sheeting (thick corrugated stuff) with mine. Just make sure with yours there is a continual air flow.
  15. B

    Major Tom-HE'S MADE IT!!!

    Best wishes to Major Tom, and hopes he can come home (if that is whats best for him) xxx Good vibes to Christobel.. Jacks-Jane, sorry for the loss of your other rabbits and may they be in a better place