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  • My rabbit Reggie has had pneumonia for about 4 months now. He has good days breathing and not so good times breathing. I have tried nebulising, various antibiotics but with no 100%improvement. He is only young at 3 so I don’t want to give up! Has anyone experienced this?
    An study done in Israel compared the growth rate of kits supplemented with carob to that of a control group with only pellets. The carob kits grew at 4% greater rate and had less losses than the control group. It was concluded that carob was a safe supplementary food in the diet of rabbits.
    Carob is very high in protein and has many medicinal properties. It is perfectly safe for rabbits.
    Tagasaste tree lucerne is another fantastic fodder for your rabbit. We have it growing on the roadside in Australia but I am not sure if you have it in the UK. I know it is drought and to -5C light freeze tolerant...so maybe? Small shrub like tree. Fabulous fodder. It dries into a perfect hay. They love chewing the whole stalks too. Very high in protein.
    On doing a bit of research, I would start with the dandelion, carob and common mallow weed ( not Marsh Mallow) and also Plantain, any variety.
    Goodluck and best wishes.
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