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Recent content by bekibunny

  1. B

    Bonded trio, one died now boy is attacking girl

    I'm happy to report an update that the boy calmed down and now they coexist quite well. No real cuddling yet, but they do sit close to each other and eat together.
  2. B

    Bonded trio, one died now boy is attacking girl

    The other boy was really old and very mellow, he was the peacemaker and they both loved him. He had a lot of health problems but he died of a stroke while eating kale (at least he went out eating his favorite food). This other little boy seems very young - they were both abandoned at a...
  3. B

    Aggression at feeding time.

    To be honest, what I did with my 2 where the girl is very aggressive while she's waiting for her breakfast is a) I make sure they ALWAYS have some food, even if it means overfeeding. b) I distract them both separately with a treat while I'm bringing in the food.
  4. B

    Weird behaviour change

    Anytime you leave bunnies at a sanctuary, you need to check them for coccidia afterwards; it is the bane of rabbit sanctuaries. it also causes lack of appetite.
  5. B

    Bonding-when to admit defeat

    3 times is not enough; it took me 2 years to bond one of my pairs. Lots of patience, spending supervised time with them every evening, putting them in the bathroom whenever they fought (neutral territory), letting them see each other through bars all the time. I also regularly swapped them so...
  6. B

    Bonded trio, one died now boy is attacking girl

    I recently bonded 2 boys (who were previously bonded) to a little girl who had lost her boyfriend. 1 of the boys just died and now the surviving boy is chasing the girl and pulling her fur out. The 3 of them had previously bonded pretty much instantly, and this little boy showed no signs of...
  7. B

    Increased heart rate- worried about my little girl

    don't know if anyone has said this yet, but one of my bunnies just had very quick labored breathing and it turned out to be his bladder was full of sludge; it had to be flushed. its very painful for them. it can also be upper-respiratory but it sounds like pain to me. you really need to get...
  8. B

    Syringing meds and food help

    it may be that its hurting where his ear was removed when you try to open his mouth. i would also make sure that xrays have been done to ensure the abscess hasn't spread to his teeth; I have a rabbit who has had 4 tooth abscesses (he's a rescue) and he would fight force feeding when it hurt him...
  9. B

    4 rabbits, 2 new, old pair fighting

    The only place I have now with no rabbits is the bathroom, which I used for bonding them originally. Other than that there is no non-rabbit territory in my apartment! I did put them there yesterday but they just fought. Maybe I'll have better luck today or tomorrow. The real test seems to be...
  10. B

    4 rabbits, 2 new, old pair fighting

    What kind of personalities do your old 2 have? What worries me is my old girl is very difficult (which is why it took 2 years for her to bond with old boy). I just hope it doesn't take another 2 years to get them back together; she's 8 years old so she might not last that long!
  11. B

    4 rabbits, 2 new, old pair fighting

    Ok. Since I put the cardboard screen in front of the fence my old buns don't even seem to notice the new ones (they were stalking them through the bars before), but they're still fighting.
  12. B

    4 rabbits, 2 new, old pair fighting

    I had to completely separate them last night :( i'm just really worried because it took so long to bond them in the first place - nearly 2 years.
  13. B

    4 rabbits, 2 new, old pair fighting

    Ok, so i should close the door as well as having the cardboard over the fence so they can't see the other pair? they've calmed down quite a bit right now, they were lying together for awhile, but now they're back to lying separately. but there's still tension between them when they get up to...
  14. B

    4 rabbits, 2 new, old pair fighting

    Yeah, they keep trying to make up and then one of them will get nervous and lunge at the other and it does kick off. every time they do that i bundle them in the carrier and take them outside, and when they get back in they go back to opposite sides of the room. Except Rachel (difficult girl)...
  15. B

    4 rabbits, 2 new, old pair fighting

    Hah, are any bunnies 'normal'? My worry is because difficult old girl is very difficult; skittery, nervous and aggressive at the same time (she came from very bad circumstances before she made it to the sanctuary I got them all from). and old boy is pretty good-natured but is now very wary of...