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Recent content by armstronski

  1. A

    Help with bonding in Lancaster/Morecambe area

    Hello Had a bit of a nightmare really. We adopted a young but not a baby 'female' bunny from the Pets at Home rehoming section to attempt a bond with our very laid back mini lop Bob who recently lost his longterm partner. We took things slowly and both were getting on fine. After a while the...
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    Sleep tight girlie bun xx

    Thank you Thank you for your kind thoughts.
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    Sleep tight girlie bun xx

    Don't normally post on here but always look for advice and guidance and sometimes just funny pics of buns to cheer me up. Got home from work today and my girlie bun Amber was gone. Am so sad as she was such a good natured bun and will be missed terribly by all of us, especially her best friend...
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    Wagg Optimum Pellets

    That is what made me decide to give it a go as it has 17.5% fibre which is higher than excel.
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    Wagg Optimum Pellets

    My two buns, Bob a mini lop and Amber a lionhead have been on Supa Excel since I have had them and on the whole I have been very pleased with their condition on the pellets. However, lately Amber seems to have been having a mucky bum. There has been no change in the amount of pellets given which...
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    Has Excel Changed - Please Help

    I have just opened a new bag and the texture definitely seems different. Also the last batch I bought had the minty smell that a previous post mentioned. Amber and Bob are still eating it but not as readily as before.:?
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    less active than normal but unsettled

    Bob ate his breakfast fine this morning but wasn't too fussed about his tea this evening which is unusual. He doesn't seem bloated just looks a bit down, if that makes sense. Think he is weeing and pooing ok but as they share a litter tray its a bit difficult to tell. Will watch closely over the...
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    less active than normal but unsettled

    Hi Got home from work today and Bob who is normally such an active bun seems quite lethargic and unsettled. He is a house bun who normally lives under the dining table but has access to an indoor cage at all times. Today his appetite doesn't seem as good as it normally is and he is spending more...
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    White mark????

    I do have pics of the twosome on my mob. Will ask the other half to help me download them. I have never done it before. Thanks again.
  10. A

    White mark????

    Wow, ten years that is fantastic. Sure she is a very spoilt bun. Bob isn't a year old yet but a real little character. Is your bun a mini lop? That is what Bob is. Wonder if some breeds are more prone to eye problems than others.
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    White mark????

    Thanks for the picture, sorry your bun had to deal with that. At least I know what to look for but fingers crossed it seems to have gone.
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    White mark????

    Thanks for all of your advice, it is much appreciated. Just had another look at it appears to have vanished completely. Hopefully it was a stubborn bit of sleepy that has now gone. Amber his totally devoted girlie bun has been grooming his head and eye area so maybe she managed to budge it. Will...
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    White mark????

    white mark The eye isn't watery, inflamed or red. Just had a closer look and the white mark looks almost jelly like and is on the retina not in the eye membrane itself. Am going to have another go at cleaning his eye gently to see if it is 'sleepy'. Very odd.
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    White mark????

    After spending time with the buns this morning I noticed that Bob had a white mark on his eyeball. At first I thought it was simply 'sleepy' in his eye. I have tried to wipe his eye but he doesn't stay still for long enough so haven't ruled this out totally. It also resembles a very small...
  15. A

    Phantom Pregnancy?

    They have been together for two weeks now. Feeling a little bit better about it as she doesn't seem too bothered by me tidying up around it. Will wait till feeding time and then remove it when they aren't looking.