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Recent content by Aim

  1. A

    When do rabbits stop growing?

    Petals is a dwarf lop. When can we expect her to stop growing? Thanks for any info. :)
  2. A

    A few questions.

    No, I don't mind at all. She's a rescue bun of sorts. A friend bought her, then decided they didn't want a rabbit afterall. :( She was orginally from a pet store, which is bad, I know. And she was young when they got her, only 6 weeks old. So, the poor little thing really needed us to love her...
  3. A


    Where are you reading this? I'm honestly curious, as I've been reading up on rabbits for the last three weeks and most everything I've read has stated the exact opposite. It causes rabbit feet to become sore and they get inflamed. Not to mention, it is just down right uncomfortable. Can you...
  4. A

    A few questions.

    Yes, we plan on getting her spayed. Our vet won't do it before 6months, so we've got some time yet. If we do end up getting another bun, it won't be for a while. And I will most definitely be looking at the local shelters for a new friend for Petals if we decide to go that route.
  5. A

    A few questions.

    If we add another bunnie to our household and keep him/her with Petals, will it change Petal's personality?? She is the sweetest little thing and loves people and cuddling. If we get another one for her to bond with, will it make her less people friendly? When she is loose for her free time, she...
  6. A

    Woody pet litter-Is it safe? (and coconut fibre question)

    It isn't small or light enough for her to inhale it. But now you've got me curious. When I add the warm water, it turns into a wood chip bedding. I have put it in her cage once or twice without activating, it resembles Yesterdays News kitty litter. But I started activating it because I was...
  7. A

    Clipping nails..

    Is there an easier way?? Tonight is the first time we attempted to clip Petal's nails. She was quite squirmy. I wrapped her in a tea towel, keeping her head covered. Is this going to scar her for life?? :lol: And I only clipped a bit, as I didn't want to hit the quick. Any tips for a newbie??
  8. A

    Woody pet litter-Is it safe? (and coconut fibre question)

    I've been using WoodyPet for my dwarf lop for the last two weeks or so. I've had no problems thus far. I was a bit concerned about Petals ingesting it and it expanding in her tummy. So I just activate it first, which is easy. Just add warm water to the pellets and they turn into a nice fluffy...
  9. A

    anyone here freeze their hay?? a few questions

    Could you freeze it if you vacuum packed it? Like taking all the air out of the bag before freezing it? I believe that takes any moisture out of the packaging? Just a suggestion. I actually have no clue if it would work. I have never heard of freezing hay before. :)
  10. A

    Bracken in over night at vets!!! serious! SHES GONE!

    OH dear. I'm so very sorry for your loss. (((bighugs)))
  11. A

    Traveling with rabbits?

    Thanks everyone for your replies. :) I have a friend who may be able to take her, but if that falls through, she'll be going with us. I think we'll buy a little carrier of some sort for the trip, just to be on the safe side! Thanks again.
  12. A

    Traveling with rabbits?

    Hi everyone! Is it safe to travel by car with rabbits? The trip would be about 4hours in length. We are going to visit my parents for American Thanksgiving (we live in Canada, parents are in the US). Unless I find someone to come in and care for Petals, we'll be taking her with us if this...
  13. A

    Feeding question. Regarding Parsley..

    Good to know. It was just the "A good tonic" that threw me for a loop. Thanks everyone!
  14. A

    Feeding question. Regarding Parsley..

    I was reading all the safe foods to give a bun. It said Parsley, but next to it it said it was a good tonic. What exactly does that mean?? Will it help settle an upset tummy?? My husband and I were going to buy Petals some parsley at the grocery store this morning, but neither of us knew if it...
  15. A

    A picture of Petals...

    Thanks everyone. We think she is pretty darn cute! :) I just can't get over how much fun she is! She has quite the personality. I'm so happy we decided on a bunnie instead of a frog (yes, frog! :lol: ) for our daughter!