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Christmas at the Tower of London


Staff member
My first time at the Tower of London (even though I'm nearly 51 and have lived just outside London all my life).

Me and my OH have a recently found interest in Tudor history (wow, it's so hard to follow though, lol!) so we were really pleased to see these here today.

I can highly recommend doing a tour with one of the yeoman warders too. The Raven master took us around today and he's a very funny man!

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They look amazing.

Considering she had her head lopped off, I'm a bit surprised Anne Boleyn's placard says "The most happy"! Jane Seymour's seems pretty accurate though. Apparently Henry preferred her the most out of his wives as she gave him a son and spent the rest of her time with her mouth firmly zipped.

Oh, if you can get hold of it, The Six Wives of Henry VIII with Keith Michell is well worth watching. Also Elizabeth R with Glenda Jackson.
Yes, Henry VIII is what drew us in too. I'm ashamed to say I couldn't even name all 6 wives until about a year ago. I clearly wasn't listening in junior school!

Pmsl at Anne Boleyn's placard; I thought the same. Happy until she lost her head!

It does make you wonder what would have happened if Jane Seymour hadn't died so soon after childbirth.

Thanks for the recommendations; I'll check them out. I've got Wolf Hall on my watch list already & we watched Anne of the Thousand Days last month (Richard Burton and Genevieve Bujold) which was really good. Partly filmed at Hever Castle too, which is well worth a visit. We saw Six the musical earlier in the year and loved it... and the songs are actually a good way for me to remember lots of the little details about each wife; it's very cleverly written but seems to be a bit like marmite. People either love it or hate it.

There's Blood, Sex and Royalty on Netflix too which is a modern take on Henry & Anne's relationship. Again, you'll either love it or hate it though!

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They look amazing.

Considering she had her head lopped off, I'm a bit surprised Anne Boleyn's placard says "The most happy"! Jane Seymour's seems pretty accurate though. Apparently Henry preferred her the most out of his wives as she gave him a son and spent the rest of her time with her mouth firmly zipped.

Oh, if you can get hold of it, The Six Wives of Henry VIII with Keith Michell is well worth watching. Also Elizabeth R with Glenda Jackson.

I agree. Both of those are very good :)
I agree. Both of those are very good :)
Thanks. :) I just searched and it looks like they're both on Brit Box so I might look for a free trial and binge watch.

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No woman is safe where Henry is, I don't want to see this man :roll: :lol:
I watched a documentary on Henry and his wives and found it captivating.

I am glad you enjoyed the tour.
No woman is safe where Henry is, I don't want to see this man :roll: [emoji38]
[emoji1787] You could have been number 7!

Honestly, can't believe we've never been inside before. We just bought a 15 month membership to the historic royal palaces so we're going to revisit as much as possible because you just can't take everything in.

The crown jewels were amazing to see but we definitely need to go back as St Edward's crown is currently off display, being adjusted for the king's coronation.

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[emoji1787] You could have been number 7!

Honestly, can't believe we've never been inside before. We just bought a 15 month membership to the historic royal palaces so we're going to revisit as much as possible because you just can't take everything in.

The crown jewels were amazing to see but we definitely need to go back as St Edward's crown is currently off display, being adjusted for the king's coronation.

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No wayyy :lol: This man is woman eater, I'm hetero dear, I can guarantee I will never eat women :lol:

I love history, I think one of the most intrigue in the world is Henry Tudor's love life :lol: Also very impressive to still see the royal history, what a great luck :)
Wow they are beautiful. We live a few miles from Hampton Court, we should meet up plus James is a historian, he can tell us much about the Tudor times. Henry Vlll changed the western world and western religion, all for the sake of one woman.
Wow they are beautiful. We live a few miles from Hampton Court, we should meet up plus James is a historian, he can tell us much about the Tudor times. Henry Vlll changed the western world and western religion, all for the sake of one woman.

Oh wow, I didn't realise James is a historian. I could listen to him talk all day.

We're hoping to get to Hampton Court soon actually but we've got a 15 month membership with historic royal palaces so will be visiting as much as we can - we should definitely arrange something at some point.

Btw, is there anywhere to park nearby? We're planning to park in the car park on the grounds as we don't know the area at all but would be good to have other options. I have no idea how big their car park is or how full it gets!

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Oh wow, I didn't realise James is a historian. I could listen to him talk all day.

We're hoping to get to Hampton Court soon actually but we've got a 15 month membership with historic royal palaces so will be visiting as much as we can - we should definitely arrange something at some point.

Btw, is there anywhere to park nearby? We're planning to park in the car park on the grounds as we don't know the area at all but would be good to have other options. I have no idea how big their car park is or how full it gets!

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It's not normally too bad around Hampton Court. I don't remember a carpark in the actual grounds though.

James love is history, he did an MA in History. People are amazed what he knows and every night he is reading a book on history. He knows everything from China to Japan, America to Russia, India to Ireland. He has a remarkable memory.
You can park on the A3050, there is a huge park popular with dog walkers and parking is free. It's a 10 minute walk to Hampton Court. Everything looks far apart on the map but it's actually all close together.
Free parking sounds good! Thanks, I'll have a look x

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Oooh, I'll look out for him! Was it Bushy Park you meant? I googled and it looks like we can park there for free & the Palace is directly opposite.

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