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Young Bun
Hi guys

We have bought Bart some willow play things - a ball and a hoop. He does love them and we prefer him chewing this stuff to our sofa - :lol: - however how much is too much for them?! We don't leave it in his cage while we are not about it's more something for when he is out but he does go to town on it.

What do you reckon?!

Thanks :wave:
Some commercial willow balls get demolished in seconds by buns and bun may end up eating the entire thing which may not be such a good idea when they really could be eating some hay instead. So if the willow toy/ball is the variety that gets demolished and eaten quickly then I would supervise and only let them have a little each day.

Tougher and fresher willow toys made from thicker willow stems often last a lot longer and don't tend to get eaten, just nibbled - these would be safe to leave bun with. I get some willow toys from here:
my alan loves his willow ball he goes mad with it ive given him one of those plastic ones with the bell in but its very noisey xx