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who has the most buns?

I just showed my son those pics Jane, so he knows it's normal to have a living room full of animals - I said 'look there on the stairs (where on the stairs) right there - a cushion for Jane to sit on, and there's her telly :lol: I guess it's the bunnies telly though really :shock: Do they let you have the remote control? :?
Jane - I love your little run way down the middle of the room :lol::lol: You must be totally dedicated and in love with them all.

It must cost you an absolute fortune to feed them never mind the vets bills:shock:

Those bunnies don't realise how lucky they are to have such a dedicated mum like you - MUMMY BUNNY AWARD NEEDED:D
Jane that is fantastic! Amazing set up! There is absolutely nothing wrong with being an eccentric rabbit lady! Its the best kind of lady to be xxxxxx
I used to have 11; that was last summer. Since then I have very sadly lost three, two of which were elderly.

I now have 8 and won't have any new ones for a while. :D

We also have 3 chinchillas, 2 cockatiels, 1 African ringneck, 4 African Pigmy Dormice, 2 axolotls and 4 dogs.

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who has the most buns.

I have 53 bunnies:)some are rather old now (the oldest is Rolo who is 14)most are french lops and all are ex-breeder buns:)
They live in a huge purpose built outbuilding in my garden:)which has a run going all the way round it so they have lots of space to run around:Dnone of mine are "hutched" they all live together free range and yes they all get on well together:)
I love it when i let them out into the runs in the morning and they whizz round going barmy:lol:

Oh dear it looks like i have the most bunnies at the moment:oops::oops::lol:
I spend most of my day feeding/cleaning out hutches/more feeding/doing water bottles and bowls/grooming:)checking for any signs of illness etc.
I am a very busy rabbit lady LOL:lol:
Jacks jane where do u get your big logs from?

Do you think it would be ok to just take them from local areas?
I have 13 (no am not breeding them) all my males are neutered except my new one who is currently living on his own until he is old enough to be done which won't be until March.

I adopt from people who no longer want their rabbits but can only ever have 14 as I don't have any room for more than that.

I live in Walsall in the West Midlands
I have 53 bunnies:)some are rather old now (the oldest is Rolo who is 14)most are french lops and all are ex-breeder buns:)
They live in a huge purpose built outbuilding in my garden:)which has a run going all the way round it so they have lots of space to run around:Dnone of mine are "hutched" they all live together free range and yes they all get on well together:)
I love it when i let them out into the runs in the morning and they whizz round going barmy:lol:

Oh dear it looks like i have the most bunnies at the moment:oops::oops::lol:
I spend most of my day feeding/cleaning out hutches/more feeding/doing water bottles and bowls/grooming:)checking for any signs of illness etc.
I am a very busy rabbit lady LOL:lol:

Wow! I would love to see some pictures! :love:
Only 4 here, don't know how people with 10+ manage it, must be hard to get individual time with them as I seem to spend all my time cleaning as it is! :lol:
I can't believe someone is beating Jane..... Rabshan... can we have some pics! Do all 53 get on together... I dread to think what your vet bills are like :shock: x
who has the most buns

I have lots of piccies but i have never had time to learn how to put them in photobucket:rolleyes::oops::oops:time is the one thing i am short of:cry:i can only manage about tens mins on here then have to go out to my babies again;)
I have always had a large number of bunnies:)in my peak i had 130 (don,t faint):shock: and YES the vet bills can be horrendous if i have several sick at once:cry:luckily my vets let me have some treatments to keep at home so that keeps the cost down a bit and they will always give me lots of advice which is helpful:) most of mine are over 7-years old now so have been with me for a long time:)
They all get on well together and even in summer sleep cuddled up in a huge furry mass:)
I also have 1 pussy 6 rats and my anti horse racing campaign to keep me even busier;)
I have 13 (no am not breeding them) all my males are neutered except my new one who is currently living on his own until he is old enough to be done which won't be until March.

I adopt from people who no longer want their rabbits but can only ever have 14 as I don't have any room for more than that.

I live in Walsall in the West Midlands

:wave: Hello, welcome to RU.

Jane I'm sure this has been asked before but is the telly in there for you or them and if so what is their favrourite programme?
Jane I'm sure this has been asked before but is the telly in there for you or them and if so what is their favrourite programme?


Well, Morse likes watching.......Inspector Morse,
Sir Victor likes 'Big Brother' :roll:
Lady Lydia likes Ladette to Lady........we live in hope :rolleyes:

Dr Finlay likes Casualty and Holby City......for obvious reasons!!

They are all working on their own production- 'How to Train Your Human'
They hope the BBC will commision the Educational Documentary.......
