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who has the most buns?

I only have 5 now but I'm finding them hard to manage, I don't know how people cope with more :shock:
at one point i had 7 but that really was purely out of selfishness without the rabbits welfare in mind i now have 3 rabbits who i love to pieces 3 is enough for me :D

OOOh Sooz - who is the 7th?? :wave: (sorry if I have missed something elsewhere on the forum :oops:)

I cant post anymore details yet but hopefully if everything goes to plan I can update tomorrow evening :wave:

So much for me stopping at 6 :rolleyes:
i have four of my own. but have had more at different times cus of the babies at one point, and then a few foster buns here and there.

but...my own bunnies, i have 4 of and i love them dearly :D:D:D

I have at the moment not many:lol::lol::lol:

3 Of my own (Bunnies)

6 Fosters (Bunnies)

4 G/Pigs

5 Hamsters

I have :

9 rabbits , 2 being giants :shock:

9 guinea pigs

1 syrian hamster

1 GSD mix.

and one very understanding bf :D:D:D