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Weight gain in babies/young rabbits


Mama Doe
Does anyone have any good information relating to how quickly rabbits should gain weight?
Poppy is 13 weeks and last week she weighed 2kg but this week she has lost a little (about 50g).
She is a good hay eater and I have been giving her A&P. The probelm at the moment is that although I want her to be on ad lib pellets, she was on excel/museli before and I didn't want to upset her so I have been introducing the A&P slowly. A couple of times I have noticed some excess caecatrophs (only a few, and normal looking) but I don't want to give TOO many pellets too soon and upset her guts. Bit of a tricky balancing act.
So what sort of weight gain should I be expecting? (She's a british giant)
Don't know what weight gain to expect but I certainly wouldn't expect a loss - it's possible that standard (non breeder/grower) A&P isn't nutritious enough for a large growing bun so maybe she's better off staying on the excel or on an excel/A&P mix until she's nearly fully grown?
if she's a giant I'd keep her on the excel (dump the museli though) and keep her on that until she's six months. You could also give her extra higher calorie treats like barley rings, a small amount of oats soaked in water and so on. Perhaps also give her a bit of banana which is quite high in calories and most bunnies love it.

- Seem a bit silly saying this as I currently have 4 babies with me who despite ad lib feed do not seem to be growing as they should! I'm going to crack out the barley rings today. If that fails I'll crack open the panacur paste in-case they have worms/EC.
OK, well I think I'll see how she goes over the next few days since I have upped her pellets quite a bit and if she's not put any weight on by then I'll get some excel.