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weetabix and bread


Warren Scout
I've noticed in the food thread that some poeple give their buns bread and/or weetabix as a treat. This is not something I've ever thought of.

I did a quick search and most of the weetabix references were linked to posts with buns that are under weight.

I have no idea if the weight of my bunnies is OK, but they've been weighed at the vets and they've not commented (except eeyore lost a bit while he was bad with snuffles). So I assume they are OK.

So could I try my bunnies on a tiny bit of weetabix? I'm always looking for something new to give them.
Hi Fiona! How are the lovebirds?
Benny loves shreddies and all bran, not tried him with weetabix but think i'll try some later.
Lots of rabbits like weetabix, but ive found the ones that could do with building up wont :lol: . Bread is better toasted better for there teeth just dont overdo it.As for weight the best way to tell if your rabbit is under weight is to run your hand down there spine to the tail going over the bum, if you can feel the bones on there bums then there under weight. They should have a good covering over there bums. val
Gabriel still seems quite underweight even though he eats like theres no tmr! it was suggested to me to try avipro, might give that a go. in the meantime i shall have to get some weetabix for him :wink:
Miffy loves Weetabix but Miles, China and Rocket don't touch it, yet Miles loves Shreddies! :? Don't quite understand that!!

White bread is high in starch - a bit of toast/dry brown bread some people give as treats - mine sometimes have the crust off the end.

A better treat would be some fresh herbs - lots of vitamin/minerals and they are often favourites with bunnies :)

Once a week i give my bunnies a small piece of wholemeal bread that i have dried off in the oven, they love it you should hear the noise they make munching away! :lol:
I havent had any problems will upset tummys and it must be good for their teeth.
A better treat would be some fresh herbs - lots of vitamin/minerals and they are often favourites with bunnies

Seems like mixed reactions then.

I feel mean because I don't treat at all. They've have half a strawberry top each about 5 times over the season!! And a tiny tiny bit of apple!

Herbs aren't too cheap to buy especially so they only get them when I'm cooking proper food! Twiggy likes mint, but eeyore doesn't. Otherwise they have parsely and basil once every couple of weeks :(

I have a herb pot in the garden but everything died :( And I thought herbs were easy to grow?
Don't feel mean! You are keeping them healthy and that will keep them happier than anything else. I agree that you can probably get away with giving them a little bit without making them ill but I'd rather not risk it. Mine are very happy with grass, hay and vegetables so I don't feel the need to give them anything else. :D
I used to give my buns a piece of wholemeal bread occasionally until I heard that it could give them GI Stasis. :?

Herbs can be a bit expensive I guess but buns need fresh greens and celery is usually cheap and they can safely eat that. :)

Mine also love carrot tops... :p

(Living in Australia means that our climate is conducive to growing potted herbs though so in that regards my buns and I are a bit lucky) :wink:
Treats are a human thing. Your bun isn't missing anything if it doesn't get them. A treat is just something they don't get all the time - as far as most bunnies are concerned any food is yummy :lol:

Apple cores, top & tail carrots & peelings, brocoli stalks etc.

My bunnies just get whatever we are having - we don't buy specially for them. There is mint is the garden so occationally they'll get abit of that - we grew basil & parsley and they got bits of that when I thinned it out.

If we weed the garden they get anything suitable for rabbits.

The apple tree needs pruning and they'll get the cuttings off that.

Basically all their fresh food is just scraps - perfectly edible and a treat as far as bunnies are concerned. So long as your eating your 5 fruit & veggies a day then the bunnies should get good pickings ;)

I agree with Estelle. Breakfast cereals are for humans not buns!! Too much sugar in them which can cause serious GI probs as too much sugar in a buns gut disrupts the gut bacteria. For treats my buns get herbs, blackberry leaves, fruit tree bark, dandelion leaves, willow bark. After all who ever saw a wild bun pop into Tesco for a packet of cornflakes!! I believe a natural diet is by far the best for buns. JCO xx
mine get mostly hay with a few pellets and the odd bit of veg as a real treat they gey some apple or a peanut not the salted type the ones in sheeles
I've never fed bread or cereal to Fidge...she seems to love her veg loads. She practically jumps in the bowl as I put it down for her, then she flings it all over the place and runs around like a mad thing eating it all. Occasionally if I'm eating a banana, I'll give her a tiny bit (the noise buns make when they're eating it is so cute), but not very often at all.
I know you are right :) When I first got my buns I got loads of advice from you guys and I've not given them any treats except for the strawberry tops and apple.

It was just that I was reading the food list and everyone seems to give their bunnies fruit and stuff.

But if a bunny has never tried a weetabix then they aren't going to miss it!

Basically all their fresh food is just scraps - perfectly edible and a treat as far as bunnies are concerned. So long as your eating your 5 fruit & veggies a day then the bunnies should get good pickings
:oops: we're not so good at eating veg so all our veg is bought for the bunnies!! It makes me feel better when I food shop though. Before the buns it was full of chocolate and supernoodles, now its nicely balanced with loads of veg!! :lol: