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Volatile reaction to VHD Vaccine.


Wise Old Thumper
I've had Marley at the vets today as he has developed a nasty burn on his back (it's huge) from his Cylap vaccine on Tuesday. The vets had just got off the phone to Forte Dodge when we arrived and they have offered to pick up the bill for his treatment...he has had it cleaned & creamed today and has a buster collar on at the moment...and he is back next week for a check-up.

Is it common for them to offer to pay for treatment like this?
Maddie had a skin reaction to this too once it wasn't too serious and ended up about the size of a 20p coin, but she picked at it and made it worse.

Next time I asked them to change the needle after its drawn out of the bottle, using a fresh one to inject. This way all the fluid goes under the skin.

Not had any problems with Lapinject so far though.

Good that they'll pick up the bill though - that seems too good to be true!!
My 5 are all having theirs on Thursday and every year I dread it as ive seen too many react to VHD vacc's over the years.

Im wondering if they are footing the bill for people now because of the number of vets that have maybe started to threaten to not use the vacc now there is an alternative? Makes you wonder doesn't it? Hmmm.
What is the alternative?

My rabbit bella had a reaction to cylap recently-she had a limp paw. I was advised to use the alternative VHD vaccine-Lapinject next time.

Sooz-I think its great that your vet contacted the manufacturer. I hope Marley's back gets better soon.
My 5 are all having theirs on Thursday and every year I dread it as ive seen too many react to VHD vacc's over the years.

Im wondering if they are footing the bill for people now because of the number of vets that have maybe started to threaten to not use the vacc now there is an alternative? Makes you wonder doesn't it? Hmmm.

I was wondering if some harsh words had been said or some hints dropped during the conversation. As it was a vial of Lapinject was ordered for me on Tuesday as I couldn't risk Juno having VHD limp after her vaccine in a couple of weeks (she already has a paralysed foreleg).

I will only be using Lapinject from now on and I think the vets will only be ordering it from now on too, they had it last year but couldn't source it for some reason this year.

Thanks Gaynor, I'm hoping it will be resolved quickly, he also had some facial swelling yesterday but this has disappeared now.
One of my Buns had a dreadful 'burn' reaction to Cylap and he almost needed a skin graft :cry:

Personally I wont allow any of my Buns within a mile of a Cylap vaccine nowadays. We always use Lapinject and so far noBun has had any reaction of any form *touches wood*

I hope poor Marley heals well. It took about 8 weeks for my effected Bun to heal.
Saucepot (i think thats her username) posted last week sooz, her bunny had a terrible reaction too and im fairly certain she said the manufacturers would pay for the treatment too....scary how common it seems to be :shock:
I had seven out of of nine of my bunnies show a bad reactioni when njected with one bottle of Cylap last September and Fort Dodge (manufacturer)picked up the whole bill for several visits to the vet, Baytril and cream over a period of several months, totalling almost £200, without even wanting to see photos, so it does make you wonder how much they know of such reactions if they are willing to pay up without photographic evidence or asking any questions. All but one have made a full recovery 7 months on but one still has a 50p sized aea of bare skin on her side which I don't believe will ever grow back...

I will personally never use the Cylap vaccine again, it's just not worth the risk.. it appears that there are no such reported side effects with lapinject.

Not sure how to post photos on here but if anyone wants to see how bad it was (not a good idea if you are squeamish!) then please PM me!
I took photo's as well incase FD disputed any of his treatment further down the line but cannot upload them at the moment. Marley is perfectly happy in himself and his back does look much less irritated today, though there is a touch more spread on his neck.