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Vibes for Floss

:( I can't check until tonight as they are strict in work about internet. If you still have my mobile no. can you text me? Hugs to you.
Well, she's still with us and is sitting in a more natural position, as opposed to the totally flat stretched out position she was in for most of the night. She's on fluids and is cathaterised so I'm going to pick up Bournville shortly as they've had to be separated. She's likely to be in there for another 24 hours. Keep the vibes coming....
Well, she's still with us and is sitting in a more natural position, as opposed to the totally flat stretched out position she was in for most of the night. She's on fluids and is cathaterised so I'm going to pick up Bournville shortly as they've had to be separated. She's likely to be in there for another 24 hours. Keep the vibes coming....

Oh that's good :D does Kevin have any idea what could be wrong with her ?
Well, she's still with us and is sitting in a more natural position, as opposed to the totally flat stretched out position she was in for most of the night. She's on fluids and is cathaterised so I'm going to pick up Bournville shortly as they've had to be separated. She's likely to be in there for another 24 hours. Keep the vibes coming....

Sorry about my phone Hilda !! :oops:

I will keep checking on this thread throughout the day. Hopefully my phone will be re-charged in a couple of hours :? :roll:


Oh that's good :D does Kevin have any idea what could be wrong with her ?
Hi Karen It's acute bloat. Thank goodness Rog went out to see them last night otherwise she's have been like that till 11pm(I always go out to say goodnight around then) and most likely she'd have gone by then. All this developed in under 2 hrs from eating, bouncing around and stealing food from Bournville's mouth to totally flat and struggling. I'll put my hands up now...in the past when I've read reports of buns being like this I've always thought that there must have been something that was missed by the owner...that surely a rabbit couldn't deteriorate just like that. Well, I know different now...
OMG Hilda I have just caught up with this thread. I hope the gorgeous Floss will be OK. Give her an extra special nose rub from me.

I've got everything crossed for her!
Just had another update. Her condition remains the same, but she's stable. They've given her a syringe feed of oxbow and have tried to tempt her with hay but she's not interested. I'm on my way to collect Bournville now and will take along some of her dustfree hay, as well as some fresh raspberry, strawberry and apple leaves to try to tempt her. Any tips about bournville? Should I put him back into the hutch/run or into the grass run. I'm really anxious about him pining for her. They are never apart and all I need is for him to go into stress-related stasis:(
Oh dear, I've only just seen this. Lots of vibes for Floss!!! I just spoke to our vet, and she said she's had quite a few sick bunnies this week. Maybe it's the weather again, thunderstorms lurking etc.. I know it sounds silly, but whenever one of my bunnies went off their food, it was during a change in weather. Penny was flat last night, I had to give her medicine, today she's ok again. Our vet has booked her in for a dental in two weeks, as she has molar spurs and has lost quite a bit of weight lately. :( Hope Floss is feeling better soon.
Just had another update. Her condition remains the same, but she's stable. They've given her a syringe feed of oxbow and have tried to tempt her with hay but she's not interested. I'm on my way to collect Bournville now and will take along some of her dustfree hay, as well as some fresh raspberry, strawberry and apple leaves to try to tempt her. Any tips about bournville? Should I put him back into the hutch/run or into the grass run. I'm really anxious about him pining for her. They are never apart and all I need is for him to go into stress-related stasis:(

Can you have Bournville indoors with you Hilda ?

Come on Floss, dont give up..............

Lots of vibes for Floss, I hope she continues to get better.

When Inky was in the vets a lot earlier this year with his foot, I tried to keep to my normal routine with Smokey and just give her lots more attention and stroking during the day.


FC xx
Awwww Hilda, i'm so sorry i missed this last night. I really hope Floss will pull through :(

Sending tonnes of vibes and a supportive hug for you xxxxxx
I was able to visit Floss when I collected Bournville..they brought her into one of the consulting rooms in a little incubator . She looks so much better than she did last night and when I spoke to her she came up to the corner and tried to climb out when the lid was removed. Last night she wasn't moving at all, and there was no light in her eyes whereas now she looks fairly alert. So although she's still poorly things hopeful at the moment. We now need some giant poo vibes.though even tiny wee ones would do for now:)