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V cute...

What a fantastic dog, how she can be so gentle with those little babies. Animals are so amazing.

Awwww great pickies Mand Mate - errrrrrrrrm me thinks - does this mean you might be getting the itchin for a pooooch :?: :wink:
bunnytales said:
Awwww great pickies Mand Mate - errrrrrrrrm me thinks - does this mean you might be getting the itchin for a pooooch :?: :wink:

We'd love another pooch, but at the minute it just wouldn't be fair with the hours we both work :( ...... one day we will, it's just a matter of when :D

We've already decided on the breed, it'll be an Old English Mastiff, and he'll be called Thor, what am I like eh :roll: :wink: :lol: