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Using the litter box as a bed


Mama Doe
With Zakura, I had a problem that she kept using my bed as a toilet, Aroma is opposite.
She's very little litter trained and uses the litter box as a bed:shock:
Any tip on what to do? She's got sawdust only in the litter box, and a "bed" of hay in the other end.
Rabbits like soft beds. So, she must be thinking the contents of her litterbox are comfier than places that are NOT her litterbox.
Could it help making the litter box harder? I've been thinking of chaning the bedding in there to pellets or anything similar (my hamster uses special bedding but unfortunately it's empty), now I've put sawdust all over her cage so it gets softer and because she's not litter trained, also her poop has gotten almost liquid so it's not that easy to move it around yet... I'm hoping to finish litter training her once her tummy stabilizes.
I think that yep, making the contents of the litter box less comfortable - but not uncomfortable, of course - and the rest of her hutch softer, might work. ^^
thats interesting cos my buns lay in their tray, the rest of the cage is newspaper as henry sneezes if i put shavings in. if i lined it with vetbed, i would be worried they chew it. i know its designed to not cause blockages in dogs if they eat it, but what about bunnies?
You're not alone...


Well here's mine:p
Funny thing is I've never seen any of my other rabbits sleeping, but Aroma lays down during the day. (at night she's making a mess and not letting me sleep...and here I thought the noctournal hamster was going to give me sleep-troubles, now I can't even hear her:rolleyes: )