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Updated Bunny Housing


Mama Doe
Hi all

It was only when I posted about the possibility of not using litter trays that I realised I haven't posted any piccies of the bunny house since it was re-vamped.

When Hollie came to live with us, whilst she was indoors bonding with Rascal OH set to work on renovating the bunny house so that when they moved outside it would be 'different' for both of them, hoping it may decrease the chances of Rascal turning territorial.

Well, this is what he did ....... although do please bear in mind that it still needs painting, we just didn't get time before they needed to go outside ...... so we're going to paint/stain it all in summer.

So pleased with it.

The hutch

The balcony coming off the hutch ....... there are steps up to the upper balcony behind the triangle piece of wood (which is on hinges so that I can open it up to clean behind properly) or they can get up top via the ramp.

There is also a ramp down which either leads into the run or you can go straight ahead into the bedroom.

Steps up onto 'tabletop mountain' with a snooze spot underneath (it now has fleecies on top of the carpet for comfort)

The other end of 'tabletop mountain' that connects with the hutch. As you can see, they can either go down a couple of ramps to the snooze spot (as Hollie is displaying) or up onto tabletop mountain for some guard duty (thank you Rascal)!

From the outside:

And Hollie displaying how she likes to use tabletop mountain:

and Rascal displaying how he likes to chill out:
Wow what a fabulous space!

Thanks Lily, hopefully it will look much better when its all stained/painted

And some people still think it's fine to keep a Rabbit confined to a tiny hutch !

I mean how can anyone think it's OK to keep a Rabbit in something like this:


It's heartbreaking isn't it Jane ...... ignorance I think some people like to use as a reason but surely once you've seen a bunny run, jump and binky .......there just is no excuse!!

I feel mean if the weather's bad and my two can't come out to play in the garden twice a day!!
Awwww thanks everyone, I'll show OH all your lovely comments when he gets home, he'll be really pleased that it's been given the thumbs up by other bunny-mad folk! x
I absolutely love it and Bella is incredibly jealous! Just totally out of interest do they use the hutch as a base to sleep or just go everywhere? Is the water in the hutch? Just couldn't see it from the photos and wondered :) I love how you can see what they are getting up to from the outside :)
Thanks very much.

Yes their water is in the hutch, they also have a fleecie in there and a big pile of hay. They used to have a litter tray but never used it, so now there's just the one in the run (under the ramp that goes up to the lower balcony).

They have a lot more stuff in there now (toys, a cardboard castle, tunnels etc), some of the pics were taken before they moved in and since they have moved in we've had a couple of change-around!

They definitely have a routine that involves the whole of their area.

In a morning they spend time bombing around all over the place making use of all the ramps and different levels. After breakfast and playtime in the garden they retreat under tabletop mountain for a snooze on the fleecie with a bit of foraging thrown in. Mid morning they retire upstairs to the hutch and spend most of the day either in the hutch or behind the triangle wood snoozing, around tea time they come back downstairs and have their tea and a mooch round the garden. Then in an evening they spend time sitting in various positions around the run (mostly on tabletop mountain on guard). They tend to spend nights under tabletop mountain on the fleecies.

As I look out of the windows now, Hollie is in the litter tray and Rascal is foraging in their hay pile in the middle of the run.
Thanks very much.

Yes their water is in the hutch, they also have a fleecie in there and a big pile of hay. They used to have a litter tray but never used it, so now there's just the one in the run (under the ramp that goes up to the lower balcony).

They have a lot more stuff in there now (toys, a cardboard castle, tunnels etc), some of the pics were taken before they moved in and since they have moved in we've had a couple of change-around!

They definitely have a routine that involves the whole of their area.

In a morning they spend time bombing around all over the place making use of all the ramps and different levels. After breakfast and playtime in the garden they retreat under tabletop mountain for a snooze on the fleecie with a bit of foraging thrown in. Mid morning they retire upstairs to the hutch and spend most of the day either in the hutch or behind the triangle wood snoozing, around tea time they come back downstairs and have their tea and a mooch round the garden. Then in an evening they spend time sitting in various positions around the run (mostly on tabletop mountain on guard). They tend to spend nights under tabletop mountain on the fleecies.

As I look out of the windows now, Hollie is in the litter tray and Rascal is foraging in their hay pile in the middle of the run.

Great! Sounds amazing!