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Transport Request - Barnsley to Surrey for 2 gerbils


Staff member
Posted on behalf of Minimallow

Can anyone please help with transport, or overnight stays to get two Rescue Gerbils to their forever home with Lillian. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Nicki
I can do an overnight stay if they come with accommodation suitable for them to stay in, but sadly are far too busy to help with the actual journey.

We are by junct 12 M1 :wave:
I can do an overnight stay if they come with accommodation suitable for them to stay in, but sadly are far too busy to help with the actual journey.

We are by junct 12 M1 :wave:

Is there anyone between Barnsley and Liz who could possibly help here please?
Where in Surrey do they need to be transported too?! I'm going to Surrey late January, I'm about an hour away from Barnsley.