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Took the wood shavings out but Stupid Rubbish Hutch!!


New Kit
Ok, so last night, on the advice from some very helpful people here, I took out all of Tink's wood shavings (as much as I could anyway) and put down some newspaper and hay. I put quite a bit of hay in the closed compartment (where she also pee's) and some little bundles dotted around.

Is this ok? I've just read I should only put hay where I want her to go to the toilet, but I'm planning on getting a litter tray and then surrounding it with hay in case she wants to sleep in the compartment (where I actually found her this morning) I did notice that she's removed the hay from her pee corner and just pee'd on the newspaper. I want her to be comfortable so would that be ok?

What has really pee'd me off this morning is the actual hutch. To start with we had lots of problems with the hutch I really wanted being out of stock and we didn't find this out until I had paid, this happened TWICE with 2 different online shops - so am now waiting for both refunds to go though. One of those ordered I was actually expecting the next day and didn't get told it was out of stock until I enquired where it was!! This resulted in us having to find a hutch pretty snappish and unfortunately one with a lift up lid that I did not want.
I also bought a cover for it which we haven't put on.
However, it's been raining a lot here so in a break in the weather I tried to put the cover on. At which I was completley rubbish and really need a hand (Hubby was out climbing walls!) so I improvised and placed the cover over the rood and hanging slightly down the sides and front just to give a bit of protection.
Now all through the night and morning it's been a torrential downpour and windy, but I thought the cover would provide a bit of protection. To my disappointment, when I went out this morning, I saw on the inside roof of the hutch that the rain was seeping in somehow, it's not dripping which is good but it's made the wood damp. So by trying to be good, I've probably made it worse as I think the cover is causing puddles somewhere! I've kept it there for the time being as it protects Tink from the front. But I'm so annoyed we had to rush the hutch buying. Now we have to wait for the weather to look up (which it is not as the forecast is rubbish) to try and fix the roof to the hutch (I really don't want an open one anyway!!) I told hubby I want the hinges taken off, draught excluder stuff (what goes in door frames) put around the edge so it's sandwiched between hutch and roof and then the roof nailed down and new felt on top. But that's going to take time so have to wait and in the meantime poor little Tink has a crappy hutch and I really feel like kicking myself real hard.

Besides that none of her water bottles work properly (we had a glass Trixie one that stopped working and have tried a cheap plastic one) so now I have a little glass bowl in her cage which I'm concerned she's going to knock over and get herself all wet.

I've only had her a couple of days but I love her to pieces (even if she doesn't love me yet lol) but I feel like I'm rubbish at this and have got myself in over my head. I have no idea what I'm doing, what I have done seems to be wrong and I feel really sorry for Tink. Today I'll worry about her all day, the rain isn't due to let up and I think we have to have thunderstorms later. Sorry, that went down a totally wrong path to how it started!!
Rant over, back to the inside hutch advice....:?
What size of hutch does she have? What type? Maybe if you took pics then we could advise on any improvements?

As she is outside then I would put hay throughout the hutch so she can snuggle in it. It is fine her peeing on the paper, you could maybe even put a litter tray where she is peeing, or put a whole paper in the corner to absorb all the pee?
What size of hutch does she have? What type? Maybe if you took pics then we could advise on any improvements?
As she is outside then I would put hay throughout the hutch so she can snuggle in it. It is fine her peeing on the paper, you could maybe even put a litter tray where she is peeing, or put a whole paper in the corner to absorb all the pee?

This :thumb:

Try not to worry or stress. Tink will be fine so long as she has somewhere she can shelter & keep dry. If there are a few damp patches in the hutch it's not the end of the world & they will dry out.

You'll get it sorted & feel much happier very soon :wave:
mine are outside,they have hay every were and lots of it too on top of the paper,they have litter trays in there cage with more hay,they do poo every were but most of there poo's is in the litter tray,they is a few stray wee's too,agree with the others,try and not stress
deep breathes! we've all had hectic 1st rabbit experiences im sure so your not alone! as everyone has said, so long as she has plenty of hay to snuggle into im sure she'll be fine :) if you get really fed up with the hutch and your refunds come through, there are a few good companys to get nice hutches from. happyhutch does a 6ft hutch and run for £158. if your worried about warmth, bubble wrap is good to put over the hutch with tarpauline or something over the top. If you have a bunny proof space indoors, you could always bring her in until you get the hutch how you want it- i had charlie in before putting him in the hutch and would sit with him-letting him come and sniff me etc... was quite good for bonding with him :) i had a litter tray with hay and paper in which he soon got used to using. all the best whatever you do :wave: