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Timing dentals U/D reason for abnormal poops page 18#180

Sorry to hear Thumper seems a little 'down'. Maybe the short Winter days are affecting him a little xx
Thumper says thank you for your concern that he's a bit down.

The lack of day light is interesting. It once stopped him moulting out of his winter coat. He was still in winter gear at the end of July :shock: So I used my day light lamp as background lighting for an hour while we played. He started a massive moult on day 12, but the trouble was that I couldn't stop it. As soon as moulting got to the back end he started to moult again at the front end. He didn't get into the same coat all over for 12 months!!
[It was noticeable that he started to moult on the 2 occasions when we had 3 weeks of sunshine that year, but only managed to get as far as his neck]

Reduced daylight intensity was indirectly measurable by the abysmal performance of my solar tube heating that year.

So I've a burning question. If changes in daylight intensity trigger moulting to start, have you any ideas about what stops it going on & on?

If you notice wild rabbits, they didn't used to be deep underground all day. They used to lie up just inside the entrance of their burrows sunbathing. [I've stayed away from wild rabbits since I've had Thumps.]
Thumper says thank you for your concern that he's a bit down.

The lack of day light is interesting. It once stopped him moulting out of his winter coat. He was still in winter gear at the end of July :shock: So I used my day light lamp as background lighting for an hour while we played. He started a massive moult on day 12, but the trouble was that I couldn't stop it. As soon as moulting got to the back end he started to moult again at the front end. He didn't get into the same coat all over for 12 months!!
[It was noticeable that he started to moult on the 2 occasions when we had 3 weeks of sunshine that year, but only managed to get as far as his neck]

Reduced daylight intensity was indirectly measurable by the abysmal performance of my solar tube heating that year.

So I've a burning question. If changes in daylight intensity trigger moulting to start, have you any ideas about what stops it going on & on?

If you notice wild rabbits, they didn't used to be deep underground all day. They used to lie up just inside the entrance of their burrows sunbathing. [I've stayed away from wild rabbits since I've had Thumps.]

I don't know what stops and starts moulting is the short (and most honest) answer. The longer answer is I would suspect multiple factors play a part: daylight length, ambient temperature, nutritional status, hormones. Melatonin apparently plays a role in initiating the growth of a winter coat and maintaining it in some species, according to google anyway.
My bunnies seem to moult continually from March until about September last year. I thought it was never going to end. They are in full Winter coat now being outdoor bunnies. Tippex Porkychicken in particularly looks like a snowball just now :)
Thank you Lilbun. It would be much more sensible if multiple factors were involved. There can be brilliant sunshine in the middle of a harsh winter. It would be a disaster if they moulted then.
Tippex porkychicken must have known it would be a hard winter!

The metacam has brightened up Thumper, but he eats little as it wears off.
I guess we'll find out what's going on tomorrow.
My vet has phoned to say that his dental went well & he is round from the anaesthetic.:D:D

He's had an X-R of his jaw this time. She says that the root changes are minor, & the frequency of his sneezing is within normal limits, considering there is no nasal discharge :D:D:D
I wondered if he was a bit thinner, but can't tell with his coat changes. At 3 kilo he's his normal weight. :D:D:D
Despite not gnawing on bark or much hay intake his front teeth are OK
So we are left that the cold spell immediately after his last dental gave him hypomotility, & obviously he needed to increase his calorie intake for the cold snap, at the expense of fiber.
I suppose he could have had a bit of jaw stiffness after his dental, which would account for the fact that it always takes 5 days to recover completely.

I'm dying to get him home at 5.00 pm. The house is so empty without him, although he just sleeps quietly under my chair in the afternoons.

I think we got it right this time. His poops were very small this morning (not eaten enough) & his colon empty on examination.
He was eating much less on Fri. so I started metacam that evening. It seems he can go 3 days on metacam & then he really does need a dental.
glad the dental went well. :) sounds like you got everything spot on this time. lots of vibes for a speedy recovery now :) xxx
How is Thumper now?Im reall sorry Thumps for not sending vibes earlier but Im having terrible trouble getting on line at the moment
Thank you donnamt & biscandmatt1, and everyone who has posted for us.
Your support means so much to me.

Before I found my wonderful rabbit specialist vet we lurched from hypomotility to dysbiosis about every 6weeks. I was often beside myself trying to get something he could eat. I still worry too much, but with less sewer flooding, dentals, & cutting out all starch & fruit sugars, he's actually got quite a resilient gut. I had to learn how his body functioned normally because I could only correct a problem with diet really. He was ace, he instinctively knew what to eat, but I had to find the right stuff for him.

Donnamt, I know him because I'm retired, so we live together 24/7.
In fact he knows me much better than I know him. When I 1st. got him, I wondered whether we could communicate, expecting nothing more than "I need food". Did I get the shock of my life!! Then I wondered how he experienced the world, & what it was like from his view point = improved understanding. I asked daft questions like as rabbits don't learn from their mothers, how do they know what's safe to eat, what animals are dangerous, & complex rabbit social behaviour?

I found out about meds. Rabbits have very sensitive lips & whiskers. They can't see their food, & select it all by touch. They don't like the muzzle being touched. (Thumps likes me stroking his whiskers, a front paw always comes up as a reflex action)
Because it takes time for the medicine to be absorbed from the stomach, they don't associate our obsession with squirting something in their mouths with the beneficial effect.

He's absolutely zonked on buprenophine at present, but awake enough to have sorted out his ears, from both lop to his up ear folded away over his back! He's dozing with his chin on his food bowl, occasionally waking up enough to munch some spring green & fall asleep in the middle of doing so. :lol: He's brightening up a bit, but occasionally falling asleep IN his food bowl. Fantastic, he's never been this interested in food after a dental before. :D:D:D
He's absolutely zonked on buprenophine at present, but awake enough to have sorted out his ears, from both lop to his up ear folded away over his back! He's dozing with his chin on his food bowl, occasionally waking up enough to munch some spring green & fall asleep in the middle of doing so. :lol: He's brightening up a bit, but occasionally falling asleep IN his food bowl. Fantastic, he's never been this interested in food after a dental before. :D:D:D

awwww sounds so sweet... if only there was a pic *hint hint* :D
Thank you every one. I've taken some piccies with my wonderful new Christmas gift camera. It'll take a while to get them on the computer my program expired!

I'm hoping that my neighbour will take a video of him asking to play & playing. He's a cat toy on elastic with a bell. It's so funny when he grabs the toy does a couple of hops & lets go to ping the elastic. It rings the bell which is how he asks to play.
That goodness he's com round ok! I just know Ginger and Pickles need another dental - Katie's checking tonight. In all the books I read before I got the buns I never heard of tooth issues before. :evil:

Tell Thumper GWS from all of us, and give him something yummy to eat tonight!