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Timing dentals U/D reason for abnormal poops page 18#180

It's just his last dental & this one where his poops have been like this.
My photobucket album seems to be full of pictures of abnormal bunny poops. This is a new one on me.
I'll let you know if I find out crackerz.
The other odd thing is that he wants his fod cut up really small like a "gummy bunny but his incisors & their roots are fine.
Poor ol' Thumper he surely must feel better after getting rid of that!! Dudley passed something very similar after his 4 days of not eating before his recent dental! It was actually slightly bigger than Thumpers about 1.5" x 1" I was shocked I couldn't believe a little mini lop could do that much it was very strong smelling as well!

When things start growing again Im going to try my buns on some of the natural leafy things you've mentioned esp. bramble leaves! I hope Thumper gets back to his normal self soon!
It's just his last dental & this one where his poops have been like this.
My photobucket album seems to be full of pictures of abnormal bunny poops. This is a new one on me.
I'll let you know if I find out crackerz.
The other odd thing is that he wants his fod cut up really small like a "gummy bunny but his incisors & their roots are fine.

i've had one or two from eric like that in the past but it was around the same time he tried farm hay which went on to upset his tum altogether:?

could it be just where his gut had slowed before the dental and as its now getting back to normal, he's 'had a clear out' as it were? is he flowing normally now? that probably sounds rather dim compared to the knowledgeable responses, sorry:oops:

i did smile when you mentioned having his food cut up really small - could it be that mr thumper has you well and truly wrapped around his paw and he knows that you will do anything to get him to eat?:)
Both suggestions are very good poppymoon.

Thumper is perfectly capable of both manipulating & being naughty on purpose if he doesn't get his own way at times.

At present he wants to play ALL the time. It's more than possible that he refuses to eat until we've gone through bedtime routine, & I've turn out the lights, so no more play is forthcoming. On the other hand the way he runs around at high speed when we play is really good for his gut. His habit is to eat at night too.

Part of his wanting to play so much is boredom, & most of that is because foxes have started to come into the garden at all hours of day. He's too frightened to go out, & in honestly these foxes move so fast, I couldn't protect him if I was right there.

He's just passing large soft masses of unformed caecs at present. I know it's because he hasn't enough fiber. So tonight he's got a bowl full of finely cut fibrous stems. The odd thing about all this is that he's turning his nose up at favourites too - it's a global inappetance rather than selective. I'll see what tonight brings.
Thank you so much everyone. He suddenly came back to normal during the night, eating voraciously, plenty of fiber & hay in preference to "goodies". He even woke me up for more food. I heard him drinking water, AND we have nice round decent sized poops!! wheyyyyy:D

The great eating spree has continued this morning. He's also less hyperactive today - much more like his normal self.

This is a great improvement over last time. I'm suspicious that the poop problem was caused by a sluggish caecum/colon, & need to discuss the use of a couple of doses of zantac after his next dental with my vet.

On a more light hearted note, he's slowly changing colour again. He usually lies with his hocks sticking up at the back. This time his markings make his rear end look just like an owl with his black scut as a beak. I'm threatening more piccies donnamt.
It's wonderful news here. Thumper has carried on eating like a horse all day, & more like his usual habit of a bit of veg, & bit of pellets, all washed down with hay & water. It's not usual to stuff himself all day though.

His tray is full to the brim already. That big poop must have been acting like a cork.

I feel years younger. For those who saw the zonked rabbit thread. He's never cross with me for long. He makes his point, then I'll go up & stroke him, & he melts immediately. I'm just so relieved & happy.
Thank you every one for all your support. I know I worry too much.
I think he's my special furry friend - the sort you only get once in a life time.
I am so glad he has picked up and is eating. I could do with him telling Catkin how to eat.......

Thumper is very lucky to have a mummy like you xx
:d :d :d :d :d :d

they was meant to be smiley icons but they broke :lol::lol:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Sometimes if I try to use smilie icons I lose the page I'm trying to post on. I've no idea where it goes to - down some cyber black hole I expect. I just hope it never ends up on the rainbow bridge forum!!
Well it's a month to the day. I knew that Thumps was brewing up to a dental earlier this week, (his teeth don't meet properly & he needs a massive firer intake to prevent stasis.) It's been 2 days of 1/3 normal poop output, & they are getting much smaller, & gradually less wee. He's hungry, but doesn't eat his dry feed or veg in 1 sitting now. I cut his hay a bit, & scatter it thinly on the floor.
I've booked him in for Tues. & he's been and gone and done it again!!

As soon as I make that 'phone call he decides I need stimulating, tears around, & eats hay like there's a world shortage, when ever I'm in the room watching, and starts pooping more. He's gone completely crackers today.
Then we'll struggle to eat enough for a day, then back to improved eating.

I don't want him to have a dental unless really necessary, even if I can buy a few days. Neither do I want him to ulcerate his mouth/tongue, mainly because it's very sore, & particularly with his sensitive gut.

I just wondered whether any of you guys had any ideas about how I can improve his management, and a few spare vibes for a smooth dental & slower tooth growth!!!

Have you tried giving him baby food when he struggles to eat.
I am so glad he has picked up and is eating. I could do with him telling Catkin how to eat.......

Thumper is very lucky to have a mummy like you xx

Crackerz I'm wondering if Catkin has a tendancy to a sluggish caecum & lower gut if the poops are like Thumpers big one. It's so simple - if they don't get it out at the bottom end they feel full & don't put any more in at the top end. Most vets use metaclopramide (maxolon) to get the gut going, but it's only effective at the top end - no effect on the lower gut. So you can get in the situation of food whizzing through the top end, but slowing down at the bottom end. The best drug for the bottom end is Zantac (Ranitidine). Some buns - like Thumper just have a bit of a slow lower gut anyway. It may be worth discussing with your vet.