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The Mischievous Mr Burb


Alpha Buck
Oh yes, this little monster has turned into a mischievous little so and so since his neutering!Hence his new name "Mischievous Mr Burb" I have burrows in the garden where he has digged to high heaven, thank goodness the slabs are going down this weekend. He bites me and head buts, he really isn't happy with me at the moment and he weighs just under 13 1bs, so he's a pretty big boy. I hope his gentle, loving nature soon returns :lol:

Thanks everyone. His name has kinda sticked now lol. He has literally been making tunnels out the ground today and I had to pull him out lol. Ive put a big ornament there now. Slabbing can't come quick enough because he is certainly on a mission to escape! x
He is naughty. I had flattened all the ground out ready for the slabs and sand to go down on the weekend but now i have great, gaping holes everywhere lol. Once its done, hopefully Saturday evening, I will give them some digging boxes, the painting still needs doing but I think it will look lovely when done for them. All i need now is a successful bonding so that they can all share the area at once and have constant access to it.