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The Late Lord Lopsley-26th Sept- Christabel Contacting FHB

Omg Jane. I have just caught up with this. :cry: What a huge shock and I am so so sorry. :cry: :cry: I am thinking of you and please PM me if you need to talk at all xxxxxxxx Sending you love and hugs xxxxx

Binky free handsome boy xxxx
Jane, this is so sad. I can't believe cancer can kill a bunny so young of age. I mean, unless it is genes related from his parent, it's hard to imagine what could cause such cancer to strike Lord Lopsley, as I always thought the first few years of a rabbit's life is their strongest year. This is so shocking. I'm so sorry this happened to Lord Lopsley.

If you are too upset, take a deep breath, drink some hot tea, and call some of your friends to come by to keep you company for a while.

We all thinking of you. Such a terrible shock for all of us. We are all here if you need us and nothing is too much trouble. Hop free Lopsley, your star shone all too briefly.

Sad Adam and Loopy
Oh Jane I'm so sorry, life can be very cruel sometimes. I suppose grief is the price we pay for letting our gorgeous animals into our lives for however long we are lucky enough to have them. He isn't in pain anymore. They'll all be together at the Bridge having a great time...
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
oh jane :cry: :cry:
binky free lord lopsley, have fun bouncing on all the clouds!
jane, if there is anything i can do at all, please feel free to get in touch xx
Oh my god, Jane! :cry: :cry: I just got back from school, really sorry I didn't reply earlier.
I can't believe it. :cry: I'm so shocked to hear that your gorgeous Lord Lopsley has gone to Rainbow Bridge. :cry: :cry:
Sending you loads of hugs at this awful time.

:cry: :cry:
oh my god jane i cant believe this has happened, you are havung such a tough time at the moment-sending tou lots of hugs-

binky free lord lopsley :cry: