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Swollen Penis Area


New Kit
I have a lop ear rabbit that is almost 2 years old, that is a house rabbit.
Tonight, about 30 minutes ago I noticed that the area where his penis is, is swollen or bulging, which I have never noticed before. Hes not acting any diifferent than normal and has absolutely no other symptoms that would suggest things such as myxomatosis.
I've seen a bunch of stuff on the internet for possible causes such as myxomatosis, prolapses, infections etc, as I have been quickly scouring the internet for possible causes, but only really been worrying and scaring myself in the process! Obviously I am going to take him to the vets tomorrow but I am just after some information on possible causes.

Also he is NOT neutered.

Thanks Ash
I have a lop ear rabbit that is almost 2 years old, that is a house rabbit.
Tonight, about 30 minutes ago I noticed that the area where his penis is, is swollen or bulging, which I have never noticed before. Hes not acting any diifferent than normal and has absolutely no other symptoms that would suggest things such as myxomatosis.
I've seen a bunch of stuff on the internet for possible causes such as myxomatosis, prolapses, infections etc, as I have been quickly scouring the internet for possible causes, but only really been worrying and scaring myself in the process! Obviously I am going to take him to the vets tomorrow but I am just after some information on possible causes.

Also he is NOT neutered.

Thanks Ash

Really sorry I don't know what it could be, hopefully someone more experienced can help, but he definately needs to see a vet.

Good luck.
he might just be feeling a bit horny, before Mo was neutered his used to go like that and when we checked it later in the day it was fine again!!

hope this helps xx
my male had a problem a bit like this, relatively soon after neutering and it was basically down to him having gotton some hay and fur caught up in the folds of skin, he had obviously been up to no good. we gave him some metacam cause it was red and cleaned it all out and was fine after. could be this.
I don't know what it could be but found this online, it's about testicular cancer in rabbits

Testicular cancer, while far less common than uterine cancer, does occur, usually in older bucks. Neutering eliminates this risk (see “**THIS CAN BE PREVENTED**, above). One sign of testicular cancer is a small palpable lump around the area of the testicles in the male; changes in behavior can also occur, as noted above. Lethargy, inability to eat and pale mucous membranes are signs of late-stage disease. Prognosis, treatment and follow-up are basically the same as for the female with uterine cancer, except that of course in the male, the treatment is neutering.

From: http://www.examiner.com/article/reproductive-system-cancers-rabbits