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Sweet Potato's Yes or No ?


Alpha Buck
Can the bun's have Sweet Potato.

I was sure I had read on here that some of you give them a small amount but when I've looked on the safe food site's I can't see it.

Having them for my tea and I've got a bit left over, they are a rare treat for myself (I'm the only one that likes them) so I thought I'd share them with the buns if they are safe.
Well Uncle Albert has just had some Sweet Potato and Carrot puree!!
I dont think Buns can eat them raw but a tiny amount cooked as a treat now and then should be ok.

Thank you, I won't feel so guilty when I buy them now, cos they are a treat for the bun's as well as me :lol: :lol: :lol:
I always give the indoor rabbits and guineas the peel. I don't cook it for them. Some like it, some don't. No harm has come of it, so I reckon they are fine.
I eat it a couple of times a week as it is one of my favs, so they get it regularly.
We give our giant lop a small amount of raw sweet potato. It is her very favourite and can sniff it out even if you hide it! The trouble is once she has tasted her favourite she curls her nose up at carrot or greens. Fussy bunster :roll:
GiantJessica said:
We give our giant lop a small amount of raw sweet potato. It is her very favourite and can sniff it out even if you hide it! The trouble is once she has tasted her favourite she curls her nose up at carrot or greens. Fussy bunster :roll:

I would keep it very limited raw. Well, I would keep it very limited raw or cooked :D Just an occasional treat :D
Plus, we want your big girl to eat her other veggies :D
