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Still not getting along.


Warren Scout
So, I had my girls spayed early feb and yet they're still not getting along even though they were getting along well enough before they surgery. From all the advice I've had their hormones should have calmed down by now, but one of them is still rather aggressive trowards the other.

So, since the op I have had to have them seperate, but I've still had them close and I did find out last night/early this morning that the corner Dizzy has decided is her 'business' corner - forget the tray, going in that stopped at the same time as the operation - anyway, she seems very territorial about that corner. I was half asleep when I didscovered this and when iI put my hand near the enclosure near her corner she immidiately takes notice, and if I start moving my hand around she tries to get at me through the bars. The first few time when I lifted my hand and put it near her she just sniffed me and stepped back, but the last time I did it before this morning she actually nibbled me to tell me to get away. I tried the same thing again this mornig and although she had calmed down and wasn't in a nibbling mood she did still want me to get my hand away from that corner.

Any advice on how to get this to stop so she can calm down enough that they can be a pair again instead of two singles?
My girls were spayed in December (30th) and we started 'dating' to try to rebond them at the end of February/beginning of March. We started in totally neutral territory of the bath! We had a few hiccups and after a week away living next to each other in a stable we went for a full on leave them together bonding session.
Again we started in the bath, progressed to the bathroom and now on day 4 they are in what was the area the less dominant of the girls had been living in!

Prior to their spay they had been separated due to excessive mounting and the fear it would escalate before they could be seen for their spay! Over the dates there was still a lot of monting but this time it was massively reduced, and on day 2 there were about 2 attempts!

I would definately say starting on neutral ground has to be done so there is no territory issues. (Our next move is tontheir original joint hutch/run and I'm getting nervous as itbhad been the dominant buns home whilst they were apart).
? the normal way?

They were fine until the op, it's only since that they've been like this.

There are two main ways of bonding. Dating, where they have supervised time together on a regular basis and the putting them in together and leaving them 24/7 (fully supervised). Both methods are done on neutral territory and with rabbits that have been neutered/spayed for at least six weeks.

Some people use small bonding areas, some larger. It all depends on the rabbits personalities and what seems to work.

There are lots of excellent bonding threads on here. Happy research and best of luck.